Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 Church Directory
Council Member Rick Hendrickson was the only member absent for the March 4 meeting of the Becker City Council. (Patriot photo by Don Bellach)

Committee reports lead an informative City Council session

Council Member Rick Hendrickson was absent for the March 3, 2025 meeting of the Becker City Council.  

Mayor Mark Kolbinger updated the council on the information presented at the most recent fire board meeting.  Three firefighters passed the probationary period and advertisements were placed to fill three firefighter positions.  He also gave an update on the Post Office.  If the USPS decides to keep operations in Becker, Grant Rademacher is the preferred option. 

Council member Mike Doering spoke about Parks and Recs.  Recently the department discussed Pleasant Valley Park equipment and placement.  There is a possibility to move the location of the equipment.  Council Member Rebecca Stanfield-Olmscheid told the council to watch social media about happenings at Pebble Creek.  She hinted that the course may be opening soon. 

City Administrator Greg Lerud gave a progress report to the council on the continuing construction to City Hall and the Becker PD.  

“About 60% of the police department has been sheet rocked,” Lerud said.  “Tiling is going on in the bathrooms on the PD side.  We’re reaching the point now where the roof has to get in.  There’s a lot of leaks over there now, so it’s holding up the interior work until they come back. Hopefully, soon they get that all wrapped up.”

Council member Robin Dingmann said that the Budget and Finance Committee met on Feb. 20.  They reviewed Golf Course finances and standard forecasts.  The committee also discussed overdue utility bills that were over 60 days totaling $19,400. 

Parkland Dedication

The council took up two resolutions to amend city code Chapter 12, Section 12.50 to align the city’s dedication standards with statutory requirements for parkland formulas and individualized determinations.  Community Development Director Jacob Sanders explained the process the amendments had gone through prior to the council meeting.  They were first proposed at the Dec. 30, 2024 Planning Commission meeting where it was decided that staff needed to review and analyze their formulas and language further.  Updated formulas and language were brought back to PC on both Jan. 27 and Feb. 24 when a public hearing was held.  Those amendments were brought before the council and passed unanimously. 

Clubhouse Improvements

A resolution was passed to make improvements to the lower level of the Clubhouse at Pebble Creek which included replacement of the windows in the golf shop and lower-level lounge, replacement of the hard surface flooring in the men’s locker room, improving airflow in the locker rooms and creating larger stalls in the women’s locker room.  Approximately $25,000 was budgeted for clubhouse improvements in the 2025 Pebble Creek Capital Improvement Plan. 

Other Items

The council approved an SLA for a feasibility study to review the possibility of a new well located on a city owned 212-acre tract of land on the east side of the Elk River.  The study would include additional water quality testing, building a wellhouse and other like structures and the possibility of a water treatment plant. Water storage could be a separate structure or incorporated within a treatment facility.  The study would identify the best plan going forward. 

The 2025 Street Improvement Project and authorization to advertise for bids on the project were approved.  A purchase agreement for the purchase of land owned by Dale and Karen Hubbard for future park development was also approved.

Mayor Kolbinger announced anniversaries for March.  Deputy Clerk Susan Nache has been with the city for six years.  Mark Lucht celebrates two years, and PT Community Center employees Rebecca Andres and Tracey Otto celebrate 11 years.