Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 Church Directory

Clear Lake Twp. Gets Business Done In 15 Minutes

In 15 minutes, the Clear Lake Township Board concluded their monthly meeting Tuesday night, discussing roads, bills and the history book.
Members present were  Chairman Gary Gray, Supervisors  Joe Goenner and Bud Stimmler,  Treasurer  Paul Goenner and minutes were recorded by Deputy Clerk  Barb Hartkopf.
Others present were Engineer Terrance VanderEyk, Daryll Tucker, Ron Juenemann and Todd Schendzielos.  
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Gray, the pledge of allegiance was recited and minutes from the Oct. 17 meeting were read and approved with two minor revisions.
After reviewing the bills, Goenner motioned to pay the bills with a second made by Stimmler.  Motion carried.  Bills were paid.  
No sheriff’s report was given since no deputy was on hand.
Gray reported there was no fire department advisory group meeting, but two new rescue squad trucks will be arriving the first of the year, one for each station.
Stimmler reported on behalf of the parks and trails committee and he said not much was going on at park except for there being a lot of walkers.
Eyk reported on the roads and said the county will be preparing their seal coat bids.  Eyk will put together the township’s estimates for board approval.
Stimmler reported on behalf of the Clear Lake history book project and said they received proposals  from three different writers.  Stimmler distributed the proposals to the history book committee who tentatively chose one of the writers. Next Monday, the chosen writer will be invited to the history committee meeting.  
Stimmler concluded by saying in the future, he’ll need an agreement and some kind of proposal as to making payments.
No new business was discussed and Gray made a motion to adjourn at  7:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be held Tues., Dec. 16 at 7 p.m.