Sunday, October 6th, 2024 Church Directory
MARK AND MARIANNE BANYAI approach the Clear Lake Twp. board to request a variance for their 91st St. property. (Photo by Penny Leuthard.)

Clear Lake Twp. awards seal coat projects

Bid opening for Clear Lake Twp.’s 2023 seal coat projects was held during the township’s April meeting. The bid request had been abbreviated due to current high costs. 

Bids were received from Astech, Pearson Brothers, Inc., and Allied Blacktop Co. Astech came in with the low bid of $19,820. Twp. Engineer Terrance Vander Eyk will compile an abstract of the bids and recommendation for award. Approval will also be needed from the township treasurer before going forward. 

The township’s pothole contractor shared that although they know of all the potholes needing repair they haven’t been able to get material as hot mix wasn’t being made yet and there was very little cold mix available.

No Wake Ordinance

Eyk informed the board that the lawyers had agreed to the No Wake Ordinance for Big Elk Lake after more information on prosecution was added. 

Resident Chuck Heinemann stated as he already monitors the lake daily for the DNR he would be happy to share that information with the township as well. After learning of high water elevation the township will erect signs and barricade the lake’s public landing so residents will be informed as well.

A motion carried approving the ordinance, which is a joint powers resolution with Palmer Twp.

Other Business

A motion carried to send positive comments to the county concerning Mark Banyai variance request for his 91st St. property. The Banyais are planning to erect a building aligned with their house but it would be too close to the right of way.

A motion carried to send positive comments to the county concerning Monk Solar’s solar farm request. 

Representatives from Sherburne Co. Soil and Water approached the board to provide an update on their One Water, One Plan initiative, and to remind everyone that all residents are welcome to use the department as a resource.

Mary Abraham approached the board to provide an update on the fundraising for the new food shelf building being planned. She provided a wish list of items needed for the interior of the building, which will bring the cost of the building down if purchased beforehand.

Supervisor Bud Stimmler said the township wants to help so they will review wish list options and get back to her on what they can do.

The sheriff reported 110 calls for service, including 43 traffic, three stop arm violations, and two DWIs. He informed the board that April is distracted driving month so they may see more patrols out.

The next Clear Lake Twp. meeting will be May 16 at 7 p.m.