During Monday’s Clear Lake City Council meeting, a representative from independent auditor Bergan KDV presented the board with the city’s financial statement, stating the company’s findings show the city in compliance in all areas.
The general fund operating receipts and disbursements were similar to last year, although legal was up a bit due to items such as annexation costs, and public works was up due to the new shed and park projects that weren’t in the original budget.
Water fund receipts and disbursements both exceeded 2018, due to items such as the new well project. Sewer fund receipts and disbursements were both down, resulting in the highest cash balance they’ve had in the past five years.
Street Signs
A discussion was held on the quotes received for the purchase and installation of new road signs in the city; last month Council Member Dale Powers brought the issue up for discussion, feeling the city should invest in larger ones for public safety and ease of reading.
Mayor Tim Goenner inquired how long it had been since the signs had been replaced; without researching it no one was sure but the thought was that it had been within the last 10 years.
City Engineer Keith Yapp indicated more and more cities were moving to the larger size and said in his personal opinion the larger size was better for motorists and emergency personnel.
Goenner stated he would like to wait to make a decision until they hear what upgrades the city may have to do, and the subject was tabled until the May meeting.
Other Business
The annual review letter received from Co. Attorney Kathleen Heaney was discussed, nothing much had changed from the previous year. Heaney was unable to attend the meeting.
Public Works Director Dustin Luhning informed the council the lift stations need to be updated. He indicated he’ll have bids to review at the next meeting.
Yapp informed the board work on the new well project will start to ramp up as spring approaches.
The sheriff reported 34 points of contact for February, including 10 traffic, three property damage accidents, one personal injury accident, one domestic, and one vehicle off the roadway.
The next Clear Lake City Council meeting will be April 6 at 7 p.m.