Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 Church Directory
SWCD CONSERVATIONIST Gina Hugo updates the Clear Lake City council on recent events.

Cl Council Updated On County Tree Survey

Information from the Sherburne Soil & Water Conservation District, potential annexation, and community development updates were on the agenda for the Clear Lake City Council meeting Feb. 1. 
SWCD  District Update
Resource Conservationist Gina Hugo from the Sherburne Soil & Water Conservation District updated the council on past and current projects. 
She informed them SWCD’s tree survey indicated just over 13% of Sherburne County’s trees were Ash. Knowing this will help them plan for a predictable loss when the Emerald Ash Borer arrives.
Hugo explained the Citizen Pruner Program that was started in 2014. The program is a University of Minnesota Tree Advocate Program in which community volunteers are trained how to perform small tree pruning to help maintain trees on public property.
She introduced the newest SWCD program, “My Neighborhood Trees.” The program’s goal is to increase the diversity of trees on homeowner’s property. They will be selling trees to the public at a subsidized rate of $15 per tree to help facilitate this goal, along with developing relationships with individual landowners.
In tandem with the “My Neighborhood Trees” program the district will be purchasing the “Roots in Minnesota” statewide education campaign, which they plan to launch on Arbor Day.
Council Reports
A resident indicated interest in seeing the council add a gopher ordinance that would allow trappers to bring in gopher feet for payment. After a brief discussion the council tabled the matter.
Council Member Claudia Page reported three new firefighters had been hired as of Jan. 1, and asked the council to approve $375 towards a plaque for firefighter Charlie Gammon, who is retiring after 22 years of service. 
Mayor Tim Goenner informed the council he and Clearwater Mayor Edmonson will once again be going to the State Capitol with a presentation asking for money to help pay for geothermal tubes. Sen. Brown and Rep.Newberger have been working with them on this project.
He told the council before the baseball season begins some guidelines need to be set and the teams will need to inform them when they’ll be playing. This will be finalized at the March meeting.
Goenner informed the council he had attended the last Clear Lake Township meeting and discussed the annexation of the lift station to Clear Lake. He wants to set up a meeting with the township board to consider further annexation west from Clearview. He proposed the speed limit remain at 30 mph past the school if this occurs. 
“I think MNDOT will have a problem with that,” said Council Member Dale Powers. “View is the main factor for determining the speed limit. We’ve got wide shoulders and wide open areas.”
Powers gave a community development update. He met with a potato broker and received leads he’ll be looking into, including one business looking for a more consistent potato supply.
He spoke with Royal Renovation, a company that holds informational seminars on a quarterly basis. They haven’t held their seminars in Clear Lake as none of the businesses have enough room, so he suggested they hold them at the township hall and have a local business cater in food. 
Powers recommended the council create an ordinance concerning sex offenders moving to the area. The council agreed and the issue will be added to the March agenda.
Employee Reviews
A 3% raise was agreed upon for City Clerk/Treasurer Kari Mechtel, Public Works Supervisor Dustin Luhning and Maintenance employee Nicholle Corey. Luhning’s position was changed to a 40-hour workweek.
Other Business
The 2016 revenue and expenditure budget, 2015 budget transfers and accounts payable were approved.
Approval was given to release energy usage data to Geronimo Energy.
City Clerk Mechtel was given approval to attend the Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Association Conference in St. Cloud March 16 and 17, and a Local Board of Appeal and Equalization hearing was scheduled for April 18 at 6 p.m.
Public Works Supervisor Luhning reported two lift station pump failures, one has been fixed and one is being fixed.
Clear Lake resident Bud Stimmler updated the council on the progress of the Clear Lake area history book. He and the author have put together a schedule for completion; the goal is to have the book printed by January 2017. 
He stressed they want the book to be fun to read but accurate, so a lot of work is being done to ensure things such as names and years are correct. More help is needed from the public as there is a lot of work to do yet, but things are on track.
There was no sheriff’s report available at the time of the meeting.