Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 Church Directory

Building Plans, Animal Control On Palmer Agenda

A request for positive comments on a simple plat review, a variance request for a home addition and a discussion of a new impound agreement with the Tri-County Humane Society were among the items on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Palmer Town Board Monday night.
Building Plans
The board reviewed a request from property owners for a positive comment on a simple plat review for the Kramer’s landing property in the township.  Following a short discussion, the board voted to send a positive comment to the Sherburne County Planning Commission, the next step in the approval process.
The board also voted to approve a positive comment on a 38-foot setback variance for a proposed addition on a property on 57th st. (Co. Rd. 16). The proposed addition would be 92 feet from centerline, while the required setback is 130 feet.  The board’s positive comment will be sent to the Sherburne County Board of Adjustment for review.
Animal Control
The board discussed an invitation letter from the Tri-County Humane Society regarding a new impound agreement for dogs with Palmer Township, which would include a “notification list” of officials to be contacted to handle stray dog situations.  Chairman Mike Ganz said that the matter will be an agenda item at the Mon., Dec. 14 board meeting.
Other Business
The board engaged in a lengthy discussion with a township property owner in regard to the disposition of the Westby cartway petition and driveway license agreement, which ended with the resident asking the board to modify the current status of the issue.  No  action was taken by the board Monday.
A discussion of a request to modify the county regulations on contractor’s yard interim use permits revealed that a number of modifications were presented to the county zoning committee, according to Supervisor Steve Demeules.  The matter was referred to the Sherburne County Board, which voted to return consideration to the zoning authority. Township Attorney David Meyers said the matter is more of an issue for the east end of Sherburne County, where the larger yards are located, and that a “blanket” ordinance may not be possible to cover all of the situations throughout the county.
Changes in election procedures and operating information for the new voting machines will be addressed at a training session at the Sherburne County Government Center in Elk River Tues., Dec. 8, Ganz said.  Township clerks and election judges will receive training updates at that time.
Clerk Kathy Miller said that the details of the Palmer Township winter parking ordinance have been published in “The Citizen”, and will continue to be each week during the winter months.
The sheriff’s report indicated 69 calls for service in Palmer Township in October, including 27 traffic stops which resulted in five citations being issued.