Becker Township conducted their latest meeting Dec. 16 where the following topics were discussed - the engineers report, the supervisors report, and the treasurer’s report along with other items.
Sheriff’s Report
The meeting started off with a sheriff’s report where there were 187 calls for service in the past month. Eighty of those calls were due to traffic stops — one of the biggest increases they have had.
Commission Updates
The planning commission and joint planning commission had updates this past month. Wruck has had a few IUP applications in, one of them was tabled and extended. One was for commercial seasonal storage of toilets which was denied. Another one was storage of stock piles on the same site where the toilets were proposed. This one was tabled and is awaiting more information.
There was also a rezoning and CUP for the old lumber company on 162nd St. It was rezoned from industrial one to industrial two. This allowed the applicant to apply for a CUP for a trans-modal facility. The building will be occupied as it is a good spot behind the industrial park.
The board then moved on to the floodplain ordinance, which was passed. The cannabis ordinance will be coming soon after, it is still being worked on currently.
Shipping container ordinance has also been extended.
Engineer’s Report
After the ordinances, the board spoke about the engineers report. Eagles Landing has received an estimate for the repairs for the 40 feet of road. Part of the road needs to be replaced due to the garbage truck fire that destroyed the road. They were able to get the wetland deviation approved, so that will now move forward. The project for 109th Street will be delayed due to this, but it won’t happen until spring.
Supervisor’s Report
The board formally accepted the resignation of supervisor Robin Boros and declared a vacancy in the office. Next steps include reviewing the election notice to the county auditor. The fire board then concluded that there were no updates for this past month. CMRP/PEL are officially 5OC14. In terms of the PEL they are moving to public engagements and are now a non-profit with the board members meeting in January.
Road Report
The road report indicated that the 185th culvert looks good and there are no issues. A little debate over whether to use straight salt instead of sandy salt was discussed.
Other News
The Legion has their carpet and are now looking into possible new flooring. Some other information included letting the Tri-County contract go.
To end the night the board went over the treasurer report and then passed the motion to approve the report.