Eleven Big Lake High School students signed on to apprenticeships at an event last Tuesday. Through the Big Lake apprenticeship program, nearly 80 students since 2015 have had the opportunity to pursue real world work experience while finishing their high school curriculum. Work-based learning coordinator Wade Olson said this isn’t just another program, but a shift in the system of preparing students for college and careers.
Students who signed on include: Marissa Reed and Izabelle Moudry with Guardian Angels Senior Living; Thorson Linn and Cooper Barta with Proto Lase; Isaac Berger with Riverside Church; Asher Henning with Northstar Technology Solutions; Lily Sevek with Cura Monticello Care Center; and Alli Feligle, Lucas Stevenson, Vishnu Deonarine, and Gavin Jones with Lisi Medical Remmele.
Sevek was acknowledged as the youngest student participating in the program, being the only junior.
All students were praised by their employers for the amazing work they have done with each company so far, and the employers expected the students to only improve in their already substantial skill.