Thursday, January 9th, 2025 Church Directory

Blca And Sherburne Swcd Partner For Briggs Lake Chain Improvement Efforts

Briggs Lake Chain property owners will once again have grant money available to assist them with lake chain related conservation projects.  Thanks to a partnership grant with Sherburne Soil and Water Conservation District and a grant from the MN DNR Shoreland Habitat Program, property owners will receive financial and technical assistance to design and install best management practices on their lake properties.
With the waters of the Briggs Lake Chain still considered as “impaired” by the MN Pollution Control Agency the Briggs Lake Chain Association [BLCA] is continuing its focus on shoreland restoration and other conservation projects like rain gardens and runoff prevention.  The lake association's ongoing Flyover Project has also highlighted the clear need for property owners to do their part in improving water quality.   The BLCA will administer funds from the DNR and SWCD to property owners and provide education and assistance to establish these conservation projects.
“We have met the enemy and he is us”  said Pogo from the comic strip on Earth Day in 1970.  “We are often our worst own enemy, but it doesn't follow that we can't do something about it. We each have to do what we can to address poor water quality,” BLCA president Dan Merchant said. “There are no easy solutions, or we would already have done them. We know what to do, but it will take everybody's participation” 
The BLCA, with assistance from the Sherburne SWCD and MN DNR, has over the past several years helped fund and establish over 30 restoration and rain garden projects.  The current DNR Shoreland Education and Restoration Project grant extends through June 2016.  The SWCD Partnership Grant runs for 2 years through the end of 2016.  
A big part of the education effort is the annual Conservation Workshop, scheduled this year for Friday June 19, 2015 at the Palmer Town Hall from 5:30 PM to 9:00, starting with a free cookout in the township parking lot.  The workshop is free and will focus on the connections between property groundtruthing [from the BLCA Flyover Project], Best Management Practices specific to individual properties, and available grant money and how to get it.   BLCA members who have already established conservation projects will provide technical assistance and labor for each new project.
Dan Merchant, BLCA President
Kenzie Phelps, BLCA Healthy Lakes Committee