Friday, July 26th, 2024 Church Directory
BIG LAKE FIRE CHIEF SETH HANSEN shared a facsimileof a check his department received from Lupulin Brewing in the amount of $2,500. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

BL Twp. hears BLFD report including generous donation

During their recent meeting, the Big Lake Town Board heard a report from the Big Lake Fire Dept., who recently received a donation of $2,500 from Lupulin Brewing.

BLFD Report

Fire Chief Seth Hansen gave the monthly report for the fire department. He reported 28 calls for the month of December, totaling 357 for the year. Of the nearly daily calls, 241 were during normal business hours, which makes it difficult for firefighters with full time jobs to respond to those. There were a low number of fires for the year, totaling only 35.

The Santa Parade was a success, though most of the audience appreciated Santa’s appearance through windows, as the weather was cold. Firefighters escorting Santa received a number of donations towards the food shelf. 

Captain Charlie Stern and Firefighter Mike Bondhus both retired from the department in December, having served 13 and 32 years, respectively. Doug Novak will be promoted to captain to take Stern’s position.

Lupulin gave the fire department a check for $2,500, which was raised during their “Pours for a Purpose” campaign. 


The road committee opted to include the addition of swing-away mailboxes to their summer road projects. Supervisor Dean Brenteson says it is time that the township start adding mailboxes to all of their projects, as so many mailboxes are not in compliance with town ordinance. They noted that if the township offers to replace a resident’s mailbox with a swing-away mailbox and the owner refuses, then the township is not liable for damages caused by snow plows. 

The road committee is working to get their overlay projects ready, and hopes to go out for bids in the near future. 

In Other Business, the Board:

• Reviewed Co. Rd. 43 improvement project easements and agreed to pay their share of $4,869;

• Gave favorable comments for a plat for the Gullicksons’ addition, which had been approved by the board before, but the owner allowed too much time to pass before recording the plat, and now must re-apply;

• Heard a recap of the January 11 Joint Powers meeting from Brenteson;

• Noted there will be new business hours at town hall, now being open Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon.