Friday, February 21st, 2025 Church Directory

Big Lake Twp. holds successful board of audit

Every year, the Big Lake Twp. board is required to spot-check its finances during the board of audit. Supervisors select three transactions from the past year and review the treasurer’s documentation of them to ensure all money is accounted for.

During the recent Big Lake Town Board meeting, the board of audit was successful and all the transactions investigated were properly reported.

Accessory Dwelling

Sherburne County is considering changing its ordinance on accessory dwelling units. The idea is to allow landowners to build multiple homes on one parcel of land, within limitations. The county hopes this will help to solve some of the housing issues that the county has been facing.

Supervisor Larry Alfords questioned whether the examples shown in the new ordinance were all new, as he was under the impression that basement dwellings, above-garage dwellings, and similar dwellings were always allowed.

Clerk Brenda Kimblerly-Maas suggested those may have been allowed, but the county may be attempting to streamline the process for setting up all of these dwellings.

Alfords suggested the clerk reach out to the county for clarification.

The county will hold a public hearing on the new ordinance on March 20.

Life Insurance

The town offers life insurance benefits to its employees. The board opted to continue Platinum Level coverage for its qualifying employees, for a total cost of $2,885 for the year.

Road Update

Supervisor Dean Brenteson noted that the tree trimming services have slowed down significantly due to cold weather.

A couple of mailboxes were taken out by plows so far this season, but they have been fixed and there have been no other complaints from township residents.

Sheriff’s Report

Sgt. Barrett noted suspicious activity and theft from the TV tower, as well as attempted theft from a fish house. He also noted complaints about kids riding their ATVs too quickly over the ice on the lakes.

In Other Business, the Board:

• Noted the annual meeting will take place March 11 at 6 p.m.;

• Heard from Supervisor Dean Brenteson that Central Minnesota Regional Planning Partnership (group investigating building another local bridge over the Mississippi River) has successfully transitioned into a nonprofit organization;

• Entered into an agreement with Bergan KDV for the Big Lake Fire Department audit

• Noted Big Lake Lions Fish Fry will be March 21 starting at 4:30 at Big Lake Lions Park.