Monday, December 2nd, 2024 Church Directory

Big Lake City approves road projects

The Big Lake City Council only held one meeting in March, as the March 27 meeting was canceled. During the March 13 meeting, the council heard from a frustrated apartment resident and held a hearing for upcoming road projects. 


A special hearing was held in regards to street projects for the summer. Part of the cost is assessed to the benefitting properties, and so the city has to hold a hearing before work can be done in case any of the residents have any concerns. Residents can choose to pay a lump sum right away, choose a payment plan which includes interest over 10 years, or (for senior citizens only) delay the payment until the sale of the property (this also includes interest).

No one spoke during the public hearing, although Council Member Ken Halverson voiced concerns over the way the project is financed. 

Open Forum

Shauna Hoffman spoke during open forum to complain about her apartment complex on Minnesota Ave. She has had disagreements with the apartment complex as they have ignored maintenance issues related to safety, as Hoffman noted the patio door and her son’s window cannot be locked and there were no batteries in the smoke detectors when they moved in. She called city hall to ask for information about the last inspection of the building but did not get the information she needed. Hoffman was directed to contact the city administrator on the following business day for direction on which steps to take next. 

In Other Business, the Council:

• Approved an increased annual donation of $400 to the Big Lake Fire Relief Association;

• Heard the annual library update;

• Heard an annexation petition to make parts of the township into city property for the benefit of business owners; 

• Heard an update from the Big Lake Schools student liaison;

• Approved a gambling permit for the ice association at Trail’s Grill.