Friday, May 3rd, 2024 Church Directory
Shown are: Judea DeMaris, Megan Graftaas, Sam Pounds, Mary Goenner, Sami Stellmach, Alynna Storms, Lauren Marklowitz and Ashley Balsimo.

Bhs We Care Club

The BHS WeCare Club is a volunteer service organization made up of students in grades 9-12 who have made a commitment to meet on a regular basis and to organize activities which will promote kindness, improve school climate and provide service to others both in and outside of school to enhance the emotional well-being of Becker High School.  There are currently 22 members, including students and staff. Activities include writing positive "Locker Notes" last fall, sponsoring "Notes of Kindness" in December, helping with the NHS Food Drive and being part of the TXT4Life PSA.  In May the group will sponsor a "Walk for Mental Health."