Nearly 80 Becker High School choir members participated in the vocal solo and ensemble contest on Weds., Feb. 3 at Rocori High School. Each student prepared, memorized and performed a solo, duet or an ensemble for a judge. The judge then gave each performance a score based on a number of musical critiques. There were over 40 performances from Becker, which is the highest number of performance entries in Becker choir history. The highest ranking a performance could receive is a superior, followed by excellent, good and fair. All of Becker's performances received superior or excellent ratings. “Congratulations Becker choir students!” says Director Gretchen Bordson.
Front row (from left to right) Brianna Klinepier, Cindy Corrigan, Aiden Bauer, Nikki O'Brien, Samantha Pounds, Melody Swanson, Kendra Gorman Second row (left to right) Autumn Schultz, Evan Shafer, Andrew Reed, William Schendel, Rhiley Larson, Mary Goenner, Grace Jacobson, Laura Pearce. Not pictured: Tatum Storkamp.
Front row (left to right) Brandon Olson, Gabe Dertinger, Alex Meidt, Katelyn Holstad, Cassie Lenneman, Gabrielle Proefrock, Allyna Storms, Alyssa Thielen. Second row (left to right) Logan Boyer, Jackson Lefebvre, Caleb Foster, Isaac Popp, Andrew Davalos, Erica Brovold, Jessica Haecherl, Kelli Lumley, Maria Sakry, Frannie Bowles. Third Row (left to right) Sierra Dvorak, Laura Niday, Megan Graftaas, Emily Krogstad, Bridget Buchholz, Rachael Tauer, Daisy Kent, Alex Nelson, Haley Vanzee, Sarenity Klein, Tyler W
Front Row (left to right) Dani Cook, Kaitlyn Janisch, Abby Maruska, Victoria Gibson, Hannah Bengtson, Grace Klapak, Sydney Bordson.Second Row (left to right) Abby Fingarson, Haley Uecker, Ally Kangas, Amanda Bergsten, Megan Kluge, Victoria Kolbinger. Third row (left to right) Morgan Peterson, Jade Marquette, Brendan Potter, Laura Pancoast, Emma Tweten, Hannah Klapak, Alex Wheece