(Editor’s Note: The following article was submitted by Benton County 4-H.)
The 62nd Annual Benton County 4-H Adult & Leaders Banquet was held Sunday, November 21st at Jack & Jim’s in Duelm. The event signified the end of the 4-H year and was an appreciation dinner and awards program for our 4-H Adult volunteers & leaders. About 100 adults volunteers/leaders and special guests were in attendance and enjoyed a fabulous dinner. Some of the special guests included Benton County Commissioner Ed Popp, Commissioner Scott Johnson, Commissioner Beth Schlangen, Associate Dean & MN 4-H State Director Jennifer Skuza, Regional Director Lori Vicich, Benton County Fairboard Vice-President Al Stemper, Benton County Extension Committee members Rick Gilbertson and Angie Arnold.
“These past six months have been filled with successful programming, celebrating our 4-H youth achievements and an opportunity to try to get back to 4-H business as usual,” said Ann Olson, Benton County 4-H Extension Educator. “However, the past six months have also brought some tough times to our Benton County 4-H with the loss of three adult volunteers, Bonnita’s husband, Tom Bernhardt- Jeannie’s husband, Joe Boyle and Donita’s husband, Kenny Beehler. These men have each played intricate rolls within Benton County 4-H over the years and will be forever cherished in our hearts. The love of our 4-H families has shown through vibrantly with each of these losses.” Olson continued, “It is truly an indescribable honor to be part of this 4-H program in Benton County and a privilege to be a part of each of your lives.”
Other highlights of the evening included a heartfelt 4-H Leaders Response from Vicky Molitor who is a five-year adult leader from the Mayhew Lakers 4-H Club, words of encouragement from Commissioner Ed Popp and a few words from the Associate Dean and MN 4-H State Director Jennifer Skuza who is grew up in Benton County.
“It is exciting to visit the Benton County 4-H leaders and I am honored to be here” said Skuza, “Being here brings back special memories of my youth and my time in 4-H.”
After guest speakers spoke, recognition pins signifying the numbers of years in volunteering/leadership roles were presented by 4-H Extension Educator, Ann Olson and our new Extension Support Staff, Megan Gerads.
First year recipients included: Rebecca Bastien of St. Cloud, Jessica Brenny of Rice, and Michael Schlough of St. Cloud – Central MN Llama Club, Nick Dahler of Foley – Cornerstone Clovers, Jen Bomsted of Sauk Rapids – Graham, Maryrose Dolezal of Minneapolis – Granite Clouds, Bethany Maus of Pierz – Green Acres, Julie Otis formerly of Foley – Independent, Corinne Lyon of Clear Lake, Heidi Bemboom of Foley, Ryan Gruba of Foley – Mayhew Lakers, Rachel Felchle of Sauk Rapids – Minden, Sara Arickx of Rice – Running Rapids, Melissa Schlueter of St. Joseph – Shooting Stars, Marie Malikowski of Foley, Sam Morris of Foley, Brian Pozorski of Foley – St. Pat’s.
The following fifth year volunteers/leaders were recognized: Vicky Molitor of Sauk Rapids – Mayhew Lakers, Amy Kleine of Sauk Rapids, Jeff & Natasha Pleskac of Foley – North Benton, Bryan Frana of St. Cloud - Independent, Mitch & Tasha Ackerman of Sauk Rapids, Tristan & Marcy Reding of Foley – Pioneers, Michelle Rosenberger of Sauk Rapids – Running Rapids, Katie Zintek of Foley – Shamrock Shakers, Kelly Pennie of Foley – Shooting Stars, Shelly Stangler of Sauk Rapids, Shianne Morris of Foley, Kathy Malikowski of Sauk Rapids, Jessica Nelson-Rademacher of Sauk Rapids – St. Pat’s.
Those receiving the tenth-year award included: DeWaine & Judy Fenna of Foley – Busy Bees, Tracey Wieber of Foley – Cornerstone Clovers, Cynthia Schneider of Foley, Mark Thon of Bowlus – Duelm, Richard Hokanson of Foley, Josh Kirchenbauer of Clear Lake – Independent, Kimberly Kampa of St. Cloud – Shooting Stars, Stacie Morris of Foley, Konnie Sakry of Sartell – St. Pat’s.
Fifteenth year recognition awarded to Brian & Brenda Kaschmitter of Sauk Rapids - Pioneers
A twenty-year pin was awarded to Denise Rothfork of Foley – Busy Bees, Tracy Hunt of Foley – Independent, Dena Walz of Sauk Rapids – St. Pat’s
A twenty-fifth-year pin was awarded to Roy Schneider of Foley - Duelm and Barb Bemboom of Sauk Rapids – Mayhew Lakers
A thirty-fifth year pin was awarded to Donita Beehler of Sauk Rapids, David Templin of Foley – 79’ers, Larry Sakry of Sauk Rapids – St. Pat’s.
A forty-year pin was handed out to Janet Stark who is an Independent leader.
A fifty-year pin was presented to Donald Beehler of the 79’ers 4-H Club
Additional awards were presented to individuals nominated. There were two “Outstanding Service Award” recipients this year. Jeannie Boyle presented the first to Joyce Belanger of the Green Acres 4-H Club and the second award was presented by Kristin Best to Vicky Molitor of the Mayhew Lakers 4-H Club.
Two “Friend of 4-H” Awards were given. One presented by Brenda Kaschmitter to Arnold’s Equipment and the other Ella Reding presented to the Rice Sportsman’s Club.
Two “4-H Leader Achievement Awards” were handed out. The first was presented by Stacie Morris to Amy Kleine of North Benton 4-H Club and the second was presented by Tasha Ackerman to Marcy Reding of Pioneers 4-H Club.
Two “4-H Pioneer Award” recipients were awarded. One was presented by Corrine Lyon to Bonnita Bernhardt of the St. Pat’s 4-H Club and the second was presented by Juanita Beauchamp to Susan Wiley of the 79’ers 4-H Club.
The final two awards were “Honorary 4-H Member Awards.” Corey Molitor presented to Mitch Mehrwerth and the second was awarded to Rod Bemboom of Sauk Rapids.
The program ended with the drawing of door prizes, provided by different 4-H clubs and continued time of visiting. Benton County 4-H is blessed to have dedicated, passionate, and hard-working volunteers that all contribute to the success of the 4-H program. Thank you to all of our volunteers and leaders for all they do for the organization and our youth. Sunday evening was an excellent opportunity to celebrate our volunteers and leaders for their accomplishments.