Becker Township met Nov. 18.
Public Hearing
During the public hearing there was talk of both the flood plan ordinance and the right of way ordinance.
During the flood plan discussion, it was said both the town board and the joint board need to decide whether to adopt the plan or not. After confirmation that the DNR has updated the regulated authorities and most of the changes involve the administrative, the motion to approve the flood plan passed.
During the right of way hearing, there was talk about how shoulders should be on roads not driveways. In order to have a second access driveway, townsfolk must get the town’s board approval. There was also a problem with a culdesac appearing that have not obtained a permit for it. The reason presumed is people do not want to go through the process. With the roads having shoulders, it was decided that the shoulders need to be at least two feet wide. The town engineer may require additional shoulder width depending on the circumstance. This hearing was approved by the board.
After the public hearing, the board moved on to the cannabis discussion.
The debate was whether or not the township should leave the licensing to the county. Discussion included the fact there would be no fee to add it to the county and it would cause less issues for the township overall.
Engineer’s Report
The engineer report consisted of a garbage fire that took place at Eagles Landing. A garbage truck had dumped a burning pile of trash that had burned a hole through the pavement which now has to be repaired in the spring.
There was also talk about adding rumble strips to 97th Street with the hopes that it will make people pay attention to stop signs and hopefully reduce the amount of accidents that take place in that area. Discussion centered on how it may take more work and time in order to get a grant then it would to actually put in the rumble strips.
Becker Police Report
The Becker police report consisted of 227 calls for service and most of those are due to distracted drivers.