The Becker Township Board met Jan. 19 and had a whole host of topics to discuss and a full house in the chamber.
Planning Commission/Joint Planning Board
While not in attendance at the solar ordinance public hearing held recently by the planning commission, Attorney Kelli Bourgeois said she has spoken with Attorney Damien Toven regarding the hearing and she also invited board appointees to the commission to add information as necessary.
Bourgeois distributed the draft solar ordinance to the town board, saying it is modeled after Stearns County’s solar ordinance, one that is used as a model by many locations. Bourgeois said she tweaked it to fit Becker Township.
Supervisor Mark Wimmer was thanked for the information he brought to the planning commission board public hearing where the biggest change recommended by the planning commission was the overall setback regulations.
The original ordinance had read the setback should be 50’ from residence. The planning commission recommended 100’ from property line.
Supervisor Brad Wilkening discussed the two main items discussed at detail during the public hearing including the location of solar farms. One of the topics is allowing solar farms in agriculture and heavy industrial zones rather than general rural areas where the township anticipates residential subdivisions and the second is the setbacks Since the planning commission is recommending 100’ to allow for significant berm, ditch and fencing, Wilkening said he did more research after the hearing.
“It appears that setbacks are the biggest item of contention for solar farms in other areas as well,” he said.
Supervisor Gary Hammer mentioned Xcel Energy has an official who is willing to share what other communities are doing with solar and he hopes to be able to connect with the official prior to the next joint planning board meeting Jan. 26.
Sherburne County Solar Farm
Comments and questions were issued after the Sherburne County solar farm request form was distributed.
Bourgeois was asked if the board needed to comment. She said no, it is optional. She was also asked why they are using an IUP rather than a CUP. She answered, “it allows for more conditions and expiration dates. It no longer gives the permission to go with the land, but if new owners come in, conditions and expiration dates can be revisited.”
The board consensus was to not provide comment.
Engineer’s Report
Engineer Terrance VanderEyk said the 137th Street project was in its final edits and will be ready next week. An estimate of $270,000 was issued to complete the project. This is the full cost, and MnDot will be sharing ½ (also ½ of the project completed to date).
Eyk said 185th Avenue’s plans are underway. He is looking at doing the south mile – which will cost just shy of $500,000.
Eyk said the reclaim/resurfacing of 175th Ave and 177th Street are up to be worked on this summer. The estimate of $270,000 is conservative and if the board wishes to pursue these projects, a decision was needed immediately to allow time to get estimates into the county for bidding.
Eyk was asked when will the Co. Rd. 11 project soils be available? He said the estimate is July.
He was also asked, “do we need an IUP for our own dirt?” He relied, “no”, not when it is for a road project. Eyk was then asked if the dirt is useable and he said it should be.
The board directed Eyk to ask the county if the town board can see the borings. Supervisor Wilkening said that as long as it isn’t peat, there are uses for the various types of dirt. If peat, the road wouldn’t be stable.
Eyk was asked when would 185th be ready to start?
He said it depends on wetland permitting. The area has been delineated and needs approval before permits. Eyk said sometimes permits are ready in six weeks, other times it takes up to 18 months.
The township’s plan is to let bids late summer and plan on a fall construction season due to less traffic from Carefree Country Club. The estimate for dirt work and gravel only and let set over winter before paving is $200,000.
Discussion ensued regarding various projects, budget, timing, prices, options of doing limited portions of various items and the board decided to finish 137th Street this summer — estimated at $270,000.
They also approved to complete grading and base construction of 185th Avenue from Co. Rd. 73 to 120th Street.
They also want to see the one-mile stretch of 175th to be included with county projects, as it is in the worst shape. Eyk said, depending on timing of the Co. Rd. 11 project, the road may be in and shoulder added later.
The board reminded Eyk to have clearing and grubbing included in the specs of the work so all is done at once.
Delineator signs on 137th Street were also approved to go on with the state project part this summer.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Tanya Danielson said auditors will be in Becker Jan. 27. She said she has taken the day off work to meet them at township hall.
Danielson said overall receipts and disbursements match with the treasurer’s books and the clerk’s books. She said a few funds do not match, but are being corrected, for example a general fund item in the town hall fund. Danielson said these are being moved to the right location now and will be finished Jan. 21.
Discussion ensued regarding permits that Metro West signs off on but doesn’t bill the township,. Danielson said the township still lists it as current.
Scenic Hills is being handled by Attorney Bourgeois.
Supervisor Danielson asked Todd Schendzielos if 200 tons of salt/sand used and billed in the past month is normal, given the weather conditions. She thought it seemed high for the mileage of the roads in the township. Discussion followed regarding the salt/sand mix compared to last year and this year and an eventual approval was given by all members present.
Other Business
The township’s animal control contract is up for renewal. It was mentioned the City of Monticello had higher rates, but it is the only option available during the week where the township has a dog catcher. On weekends and with the sheriff’s approval, dogs may be taken to the Tri-County facility. The contract needs some alterations as wording is unclear in a few areas. It was determined the contract will be brought back to the board after alterations are completed.
A motion was made to approve Resolution 2016-01 appointing members to the town planning commission by Kolbinger. All approved.
A motion was made to approve Resolution 2016-02 appointing members to the Becker joint planning board (full text on file) by Kolbinger and approved.
A motion was made to approve Resolution 2016-03 appointing the 2016 absentee ballot board (full text on file) by Kolbinger and approved.
A motion was made to approve Resolution 2016-04, appointing election judges (full text on file) by Kolbinger and approved.
A motion was made to approve web policy as presented by Kolbinger and approved.
The fund balance policy was tabled until next month.
Sheriff’s Report
Deputy Muellner said 147 calls for service came into the sheriff’s department for the month of December. Fifty-nine were traffic stops. Muellner said fraud complaints are down as well as theft complaints.
Muellner said he will be taking over for Sgt. Franks until the first part of March.
Up Next
The next Becker Township Board meeting is Feb. 15 at 7 p.m.