A Becker High School group called the WeCare Club recently completed a project designed to help the homeless youth in the state of Minnesota.
Nancy Lorentz is the advisor for WeCare Club and her students just finished making tie blankets for YouthLink MN — an organization that serves homeless youth in the Twin Cities area.
The WeCare Club is a group of students who decided that they wanted to do something to make everyone feel welcome at BHS and to spread kindness in the community. They meet during the lunch break once a month and work on ideas for their club.
Some of the ideas generated from these sessions include positive locker tags, writing random letters of kindness and organizing the Holiday Christmas cards for Veterans project and fundraisers like Ugly Sweater and Hat Day.
Members of the club used $384 they raised in December to purchase toiletry kits, socks, a cinch bag and fleece used to make tie blankets. These blankets and kits were completed and donated to YouthLink Minnesota.
The WeClub’s next projects will include sponsoring Cards of Kindness in February, organizing a Walk for Mental Health in May and another round of positive locker tags.
The following students helped make the tie blankets and put the kits together: Madison Blom, Gabby Proefrock, Allyna Storms, Sam Pounds, Karly Kowalsky, Jessica Warzecha (paraprofessional), Carly Cory, Crystal Landwehr, Shelby Schmidt, Grace Klapak, Kelli Lumley, Allie Gorman, Hannah Bengtson, Hope Harmon, Lexi Masog, Mary Goenner, Grace Welinski, Payton Bernstrom, Holly Rowland, Katie Buschmann, Lauren Marklowitz, Christine Hedeman and Sami Stellmach.