Thursday, January 30th, 2025 Church Directory
THE BECKER SCHOOl BOARD consists of (LtoR): Pete Weismann, Troy Berning, Aaron Jurek, Jeremy Schmidt, Connie Robinson, Corey Stanger and Ryan Hubbard. (Submitted Photo).

Becker School Board fosters good practice

On Monday evening, the Becker School Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting. All members were present with the exception of Vice-Chair Robinson.

There were no public comments or presentations made.

School Reps

Student School Board Representatives Kayla and Madalynn spoke about winter sports and activities with speech, basketball, dance, wrestling, gymnastics and hockey doing very well overall in their events. The Becker Dance team has qualified for their second consecutive state tournament for Jazz and High Kick. GSA is working on selecting apparel. NHS and Student Council have been working on various festivities, including a recent successful Sno-Daze Festival. In addition, they have completed a blood drive and worked on various philanthropic events. Wrestling is currently ranked #3 as a team with many individuals. The representatives also shared information on One-Act Play Section performance. Robotics is working hard and is focused on trying to win a regional competition or the Impact Award, which would qualify them for Worlds. Yearbook is finalizing the book for this year and working with seniors for quotes.

Supt. Report

The superintendent report included MSBA policy revisions and officer workshops updates.

Updates on the referendum and the review by the Project Oversight Committee. Updates from the Capitol and the MASA Region VI Day at the Capitol. Everyone was encouraged to view the highlights on the agenda and reach out to state and local legislators. A graduation and prom update were provided. The school board was recognized for “School Board Appreciation Month.”

Committee Reports

Committee Reports were presented by ECFE (Pete Weismann), Curriculum (Troy Berning/Corey Stanger), TRAK (Stanger), Facility (Ryan Hubbard), SNWSEC (Aaron Jurek). ECFE included some upcoming events, fee discussion, facility update and playground fundraiser opportunities. Curriculum discussed the Classroom Project. TRAK shared feedback on World Kindness Week and thoughts on doing another event similar to the donut drive through from the fall and also updates on safe spaces and mental health support. Facilities discussed the broad project scope and process and flow. The project will begin to start picking up pace as the school enters the upcoming spring. SNSEC shared information on looking for a location for starting a Level IV program that meets the needs of the cooperative members.


Policies were reviewed pursuant to MSBA and Becker School District Policy 208. The policies shared included 204-School Board Meeting Minutes; 209-School Board Code of Ethics; 211- Criminal or Civil Action Against School District; 213-School Board Committees; 214-Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members; 217-Delegation to the Superintendent; 218-Agenda Planning; 219-School Board Student Representatives; 220-Board Job Description; 221-Macro Governance; 222 Board-Superintendent Relationship; 224-School Board Member Representation on Hiring Committees.


An update was provided on policy 722. A motion by Berning, seconded by Weismann called to extend the first reading of policy 722 for 30-60 days. This was passed on a 5-0 vote.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7:12 pm.

Up Next

Reminder: The March Regular Board Meeting will take place on March 1.