Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
FOR CONGRESS. Becker resident Curtis Hed is running as a write-in candidate for the Sixth Congressional District in the November elections. He has no party affiliation, and is seeking votes from citizens who share his view of a broken government badly in need of repair and a new unity of purpose.

Becker Resident Making A Run For Congress

“How will we all agree?”  That is a fundamental question posed by Becker resident Curtis Hed, who announced his decision to become a candidate in the Sixth Congressional District race last week.
A magician by trade, Hed knows that the odds of pulling an election victory out of a hat are astronomical against the well-funded candidates from the major political parties, but that is not the main point of his seemingly Quixotic candidacy.   Neither of the major political parties, nor groups of like-minded individuals teaming together for the “common good” is going to save our society, Hed maintains, and we only hasten the demise of our culture by going along in the same old way.
New laws “do not make society good,” Hed stated in a letter to various media outlets announcing his candidacy.  He also says  a “simple majority” passing laws is not the way to change society.  His approach calls for a “vast majority, either in direct or passive agreement with the way in which those we have elected to govern are governing our society.”  Hed views the current method of governing as that in which elected office holders say: “We will tell you how it goes,” rather than a government in search of broad agreement with the governed.  The laws now in force in this nation are designed to punish people for their transgressions, Hed said in an interview this week, whereas “Good laws make us aware of consequences” in relation to our actions.
On the economy, Hed sees a scenario in which the majority of the population is left “fighting over table scraps” while a small percentage of the electorate control more and more of the money supply, a situation that will lead to the failure of capitalism in the long run.  By changing the rules to ensure that more money flows into the system, all Americans would see more benefits, he said.  “The economy should exist to serve society,” Hed said, “and we now have a situation where society is serving the economy.”
“Question all beliefs,” Hed says, is another part of his philosophy.  As a magician, he says that one must “look beneath the surface” of an illusion to arrive at the truth.  He has a strong religious faith, he said, especially in the power of love as described in the term “Agape” as defined in the Bible, which calls for the seeking of a universal unity.  “Us against Them” is not an approach that can work for long, Hed said, and he seeks to bring focus on that need through his political candidacy.
The Public Trust
Hed moved his family to Becker from Big Lake in 2007, after he ended up losing the home they were restoring to an “eminent domain” issue in which his property was sought for the construction of a new business.  He purchased a wooded lot here, and he designed the striking multi-story home he and his wife Maria and their two children now live in, despite having no formal architectural training.
While he had not wanted to move, the experience reinforced a belief that all land is a kind of “public trust” in which owners have the responsibility of stewardship for the property in their keeping.
“Call My Bluff”
The misuse of natural resources, the vast pool of available labor that is being currently being underutilized and a political system that is broken and needs to be fixed are situations that need rescue of our society is to survive, Hed said. 
That also led to another question, which is: “What has value?”  Looking to popular culture of another era, Hed cited the inhabitants of “Gilligan’s Island” in which the wealthy capitalists marooned on the deserted island find that their wealth is of no value, while the individuals with practical skills were able to survive and even thrive.
While he knows a candidacy like his has “no clout” among the established candidates, and he will not be able to take part in scheduled debates, for example, he still sees value in the attempt.  “Vote for me,” he said, “and call my bluff.”
Hed currently tours with his magic show to schools in seven states, focusing on literacy for elementary students and emphasizing education and the fulfillment of dreams to students in middle and high schools.
For more information, go to