Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 Church Directory
BECKER LIONS CLUB MEMBERS (Above right) Sue Stang and Abby Lindberg served up coleslaw and buns last Friday at the annual fish fry while other members (left) Jon Cox and Jim Stang served up delicious all-you-can eat fish and fries. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)
BEV KNUTSON AND KURT ANDERSON of the Becker Lions Club (R) sold tickets for the annual fish fry dinner. They sold over 200 meals that night, raising a good chunk of change for the club. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)
BECKER ROBOTICS LENDS A HAND. The Becker robotics club lent a hand at the Becker Lions Annual Fish Fry last Friday by bussing tables. Emilia and Elia (pictured above) chatted with the patrons about the team’s upcoming spaghetti dinner and bake sale fundraiser, which will be held from 5 p.m.-8 p.m., Friday, April 14 at the Becker High School Commons. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

Becker Lions host annual fish fry

Last Friday, the Becker Lions Club held their annual fish fry. Over 200 all-you-can-eat meals were sold during the event at Pebble Creek. 

The City of Becker was happy to host the Lions at their golf course clubhouse, according to Phil Knutson, public services director. “They do so much for the city,” Knutson said, “We wanted to open up our facility for them.”

Members of the Becker High School Robotics Team lent a hand during the event as well, by clearing tables and chatting with patrons. They spread the news about their upcoming spaghetti dinner and bake sale, which will be April 14 from 5-8 p.m. in the Becker High School Commons. 

In all, the annual fish fry was a delicious success!