Tuesday was election day for area townships and Tuesday night officials and citizens gathered for annual meetings and tabulation of the voters.
Becker Twp. Annual
Meeting and Election
Incumbent Brad Wilkening retained his supervisory seat with 44 votes compared to challenger, Jim Mecklenburg, who tallied 28.
One citizen nominated Mecklenburg as moderator and he willingly accepted.
First order of business was to approve the 2015 annual meeting minutes after a copy was distributed to all guests. Minutes were approved with no discussion.
Treasurer Tanya Danielson said the recent audit went well for the township, with just a few recommendations noted by the auditors for the township to clear up. Statements of receipts and disbursements for five funds were reviewed by the supervisors last month and levy recommendations were revealed for the following funds: • General Fund (with donations) - $45,000; • Road & Bridge Fund - $750,000; • Town Hall Fund - $15,000; • Fire Fund - $75,000; • Fire Hall Fund - $30,000.
The donation requests were for the following: • Becker Parks & Rec - $10,000; • Safety Camp - $750; • All-Night Graduation Party - $1,000; • Becker Cemetery - $800; • Danish Cemetery - $700; • Snake River Cemetery - $750.
CentraCare Hospital’s Division Director of Clinical Services Steve Pareja, gave an update on the hospital and its health services.
Pareja mentioned how CentraCare has been awarded a five-star rating on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Nursing Home Compare rating. The award is based on achieving high standards in performance measures including state health inspection outcomes, resident-level quality measures and staffing.
Pareja also profiled the hospital’s new Spiritual Center which will provide a place of calm for people of all faith traditions and beliefs.
Pareja advocated for the hospital’s Bounce Back program. used to improve the resiliency of the community and promote health through happiness.
Pareja mentioned the hospital recently purchased a building in Big Lake to move their operational headquarters to and establish vehicles and supplies there at 121 Lake St. North.
Pareja finished by inviting all peoples to River City Extreme in Monticello for free health screenings and wellness information at their interactive health fair. The event is scheduled for March 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and includes a complimentary lunch. Space is limited and RSVP’s are required by Thurs., March 10.
Other News
• Kelli Bourgeois gave a quick update on the township planning commission and joint planning board, noting 246 commercial and residential building permits were issued in 2015 as compared to just 189 in 2014;
• The Citizen-Tribune was selected as the newspaper of choice for all township public notices;
• The next Becker Twp. annual meeting will occur March 14, 2017 at Becker Twp. Hall at precisely 8:01 p.m.
Santiago Twp. Annual
Meeting and Election
Incumbent Dave Jehoich retained his seat on the board with 23 votes. No one ran in opposition. Clerk Kathy Woolard received 24 votes to stay on as township clerk for another two years and she ran unopposed. Twenty-four citizens came out to vote Tuesday and there were zero write-ins.
Palmer Twp. Annual
Meeting and Election
Incumbent Michael Ganz retained his seat on the Palmer Twp. Board with 109 votes. He faced two challengers with Chris Perkins getting 31 write-in votes and Russ Pekarek getting two write-in votes.