Becker Education Association co-president Eric Austin welcomed current and former teachers and special guests to the annual Teacher Recognition Program in the media center at Becker High School Monday afternoon.
The Honored Retiree at the event his year was Glenda Sakry, who retired after 15 years as a mathematics teacher in the Becker system.
Former BHS math teacher Marcia Erickson was the featured speaker at the award presentation, and she praised Sakry for her dedication to the art and science of teaching mathematics. Becker Superintendent Dr. Stephen Malone presented Sakry with the brass school hand bell, the traditional retirement gift presented to long-service teachers as they leave the district.
Teachers in each school in the Becker district nominate and vote for their individual award candidates. The 2014 Teacher of the Year award winners are: Mike Klassen (primary school); Carol Walberg (intermediate school); Holly Pringle (middle school) and Jeff Zimmer (high school).
The following teachers were honored for their service to the district: Pam Calvert, 40 yrs.; Carol Walberg, 30 yrs.; Lisa Krause and Paige Shreeve-Welle, 25 yrs.; Carla Johnson, Pamela Braun, Jason Wilken, Lisa Vogt, Shelly Gruber, Susan Midas, Kevin Crowley, Cynthia Marholtz and Theodora Moon, 20 yrs.; Glenda Sakry, Tina Tamm, Jennifer Panek and Kris McClellan, 15 yrs.; Tracy Hare, Barbara Young, Gretchen Changamire, Megan Norkoski, Bill Ward and Alysson Jager, 10 years, and Cindy Agnew, Erica Sande, Josh Ihrke, Yulia Igdal, Austin Weege, Amber Einerwold and Erika Snook, 5 years.