Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 Church Directory
JASMINE JOHNSON is a Becker graduate who has gone on to help publish the magazine, Textura. (Submitted photo.)

Becker grad makes waves as journalist

Becker graduate Jasmine Johnson has been making waves as a journalist this year. At only 21 years old, Johnson has already helped to publish a magazine in India highlighting gender inequality issues.

Time at Becker High School

Johnson graduated from Becker in 2017. She was a big fan of her English classes, and listed the school’s English teachers – Jan Lefebvre, Greg Lynch, Melissa Nicolas, and Lisa Sackett – as driving her to continue pursuing English.

Johnson’s other hobbies included photography. So when a journalism camp was offered at her sister’s school, Bethel University, Johnson decided to try it out.

Time at Bethel University

After attending the journalism camp, Johnson knew Bethel University was the right place for her. It was one of the only schools in the area that offered a true journalism major – other places offered English or communications instead. She also was able to minor in graphic design.

When an opportunity came up for Johnson to study abroad and help to publish a magazine, she decided to jump on the opportunity.


Johnson was curious to write about a different culture. One of her professors, Scott Winter, put together a journalism project for his students: Textura. Textura is a magazine highlighting cultures around the world. Johnson helped to publish the second edition of the magazine, which highlighted gender inequality in India.

Johnson and her group stayed in India for three weeks, spending time with a group of women and learning their stories. The magazine was published in February of this year, and is also available online at 

Where Johnson is Now

Now, after graduating, Johnson is once again in Minnesota and is working for a newspaper in Alexandria. She said she wasn’t sure where she would take her career next, stating that she managed to land what she considered her dream job so early in life. Of course, Johnson has shown she is definitely up for any adventure and she is sure to go far in her field.

Right now, she is writing a series of profiles on Alexandria residents, called “Friendly Faces and Familiar Places.”

Johnson will continue to look forward to each day as a fresh start. She’s sure to accomplish big things in the future.