Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
THE BECKER LEGION presented the colors during the opening sequence of last Friday’s Class of 2024 graduation ceremony. (Submitted Photo).
10 Becker Graduates posed outside the doors of Becker High School one last time after graduating last Friday. From left to right: Alexa Voller, Hannah Hyttsten, Natasha Berthiaume, Alexis Rose, Avery Johnson, Claire Leither, Kayla Brandt, Nora Pilarski, Alea Briggs and Paige Hennen. (Submitted Photo).

Becker Class of 2024 holds ceremony outdoors

Becker’s Class of 2024 held their graduation last Friday on the pristine surface of Dwight Lundeen Stadium’s turf.

The Minnesota Orchestra provided the opening ceremony music by playing a recording of Pomp & Circumstance by Edward Elgar. That was followed by the Becker Legion presenting the colors during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.

Becker High School Principal David Kreft gave a welcoming address to the crowds that gathered in the stands nearby. Kreft paid a special recognition to those in and those joining the military. He also introduced the evening’s speakers which included Brianna Dahle and Emilia Hansen.

Just a Closer Walk with Thee was performed by the Becker High School Band under the direction of Director Justin Frerich following Dahle’s speech and The Road Home was sang by the Becker Choir under the direction of Gretchen Bordson.

The faculty speaker was Melissa Nicolas and Carla Nolan gave recognition to the Becker Graduates with honors. Gabriella Dumonceaux gave out the Hall-of-Fame awards to three deserving alumni — Charlene (Hubbard) Dorn, Glenn Anderson and Virgil Gilyard. Dorn is a 1984 graduate, Anderson a 1947 grad and Gilyard a 1946 grad. Anderson and Gilyard were awarded posthumously

Supt. Jeremy Schmidt gave a speech to the class before he started handing out diplomas and recognizing the students. Becker School Board Chairman Aaron Jurek also helped in the diploma presentation. Michelle Kuseske and Lisa Sackett read the names of the students as they climbed the stage.

The last part of the graduation ceremony included the tassel ceremony and tossing of caps while the Becker School Song was played and the parade commenced.

Congratulations to the approximately 200+ students of Becker High School who graduated this day in 2024!