Friday, February 21st, 2025 Church Directory
REPRESENTATIVES FROM TRAK (Together Reaching Area Kids) approached the Becker City Council during open forum to ask for the city’s support in their program. Pictured is Chantel Boyer, Becker Middle School Principal (left), and Dale Christianson, Becker Primary School Principal (right). (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

Becker City hears from TRAK, purchases water truck

Becker City Council kept their recent regular meeting to a brief 25 minutes, hearing from TRAK during open forum and approving the purchase of a new water truck.

Open Forum

During open forum, two representatives from Together Reaching Area Kids (TRAK), Chantel Boyer (Becker Middle School Principal) and Dale Christiansen (Becker Primary School Principal) approached the council asking for support for their program. Their theme this year is “Creating a Community of Kindness.” In pursuit of this theme, TRAK is teaming up with local businesses, churches, and government agencies. They sought the endorsement of the city council to continue to promote their program. 

As part of their efforts, TRAK is holding a logo design campaign. They are asking Becker Middle School and High School students to submit logo designs for “Creating a Community of Kindness.” A winner will be selected and that logo will be displayed with participating businesses, churches, and other entities to show their participation in the program. 

The council does not typically take action on open forum discussion, but will consider giving their support at a future meeting. 

Water Truck #2

Chris Lisson, Public Works and Parks Assistant Director, asked council to approve the purchase of a new water truck. The current truck being used has been owned by the city for 23 years. It was due to be replaced last fall, but the city was not able to order it as planned. The cost will be around $77,000 and the old vehicle will be put to auction. 

In Other Business, the Council:

• Approved advertising for the chief of police position starting at the end of the month;

• Heard that the Central Minnesota Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP) has transitioned from a Joint Powers Association to a nonprofit organization, which will allow businesses and other interested entities to participate in it, not just government agencies;

• Gave their thanks, via Mayor Mark Kolbinger, to City Clerk Shannon Mortenson for working on writing up job descriptions for city positions, saving the city money that would have been spent on a contractor to get the job done.