Friday, July 26th, 2024 Church Directory
SHERBURNE COUNTY ATTORNEY KATHLEEN HEANEY was on hand Tuesday to discuss the sale of county-owned property to the city for the future development of a general store.

Becker City Council

Two members representing Sherburne County met before the Becker City Council Tuesday to discuss the sale and purchase of property owned by the county for a future general retail store.

Kathleen Heaney and Dan Weber of Sherburne County were on hand to answer any questions while Community Development Coordinator Amanda Othoudt gave a quick outline describing the project.
Othoudt said the city received a project plan/proposal for lots seven and eight of block three of Evergreen Park from the county who owns the property. The two parcels would provide for a general store to be constructed on the lots with the county transferring its interest to the Sherburne County HRA to sell the lands to a private developer.
The building considered for construction would be a retail structure ranging in size from 9,100 to 9,800 square feet. A maximum of 30 parking stalls would be developed with appropriate lighting. 
Othoudt says the project would be expected to create 10-14 jobs of which two-to-three would be fulltime. The name of the business is not yet being made public.
The planning commission reviewed the project and recommended the project to council.
A public hearing was held Tuesday in which no one from the public stepped forward in favor or against the project.
Tree Project
Park & Rec Director Jamie Cassidy said the city received a grant for $16,800 from the MN DNR as part of the 2012-14 Community Forest Bonding Grant Program.
Cassidy said initially the grant was to be closed out by June 30 of this year, but due to unseasonably wet springs the last two years, the DNR has offered to extend the grant through December.
Cassidy said though the city is making progress with planting trees throughout the city with the grant dollars, he feels it is beneficial to have the additional time allotted with the time extension.
As part of the grant, Cassidy had to provide the DNR with specific locations as to where the trees would be planted throughout the city. Many sites were already designated but now Cassidy and his staff have identified two other areas prime for planting of trees including Autumn Ridge Park and City Park West.
Two hundred trees are to be planted at designated park land and the golf course with eight different species of trees.
Circus Coming
Cassidy said he is in the process of bringing the Culpepper and Meriweather Circus back to Becker for two shows on Wednesday, July 30.
The circus has been in Becker two other times and the city had a positive experience for both showings. Cassidy said the last time the circus was in town, both shows sold out quickly.
The BCC is working closely with Culpepper and Meriweather on all expenses and revenue with the city estimated to profit from the event in the amount of $500-$700 — largely dependent on ticket sales.
The BCC will also work closely with the circus staff to promote the event, sell tickets, garner sponsorship, prepare the site provide supervision, wrap-up and event analysis. The circus will also be providing a $1 million liability insurance policy indemnifying the city.
Ticket prices for the event is expected to be $10 for adults  and $6 for children (in advance) and $13 for adults and $7 per child on circus day.
Freedom Days
Cassidy asked council to suspend several rules enforced by the city during the 12 hours of the Freedom Days festival June 21.
Cassidy asked council to approve the use of golf carts by city staff and elected officials during the event and the parade. He also asked the city allow for private vendors to conduct sales on city streets, sidewalks and other public property.
Cassidy also asked for council to accept the consumption of alcoholic beverages purchased from the Becker Lions Club and/or Nix Bar & Grill in the festival area that day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Cassidy pointed out the suspension of rules pertaining to golf carts is for city staff and officials and not for ordinary citizens who have golf carts of their own.
Other News
• City Administrator Greg Pruszinske advised council he is working with the city attorney to take care of the outstanding water, sewer, electric and gas payments Hunter’s Ridge is in arrears with;
• Joe Danielson (30 years) and Dave Pesola (nine years) were recognized for their many years of service to the city;
• An anonymous donor approached Golf Director Troy Malo to offer scholarships for 8-15-year-olds to play golf for free on the Local 9 during this summer and next year’s seasons. Essays will be used to determine who gets the passes.
The next Becker City Council meeting is June 24 at 5 p.m.