Monday, March 10th, 2025 Church Directory
BECKER POLICE CHIEF BRENT BALOUN gave his annual police report to Becker City Council. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

Becker City considers sign variance, hears annual police report

During their Tuesday meeting, the Becker City council discussed a sign height variance, a zoning change, streets projects, and the annual police report.

Fee Schedule

The city uses consultants for engineering services. To help pay for the consulting services, the council considered adding an engineering fee. The open hearing was deferred until the May 7 meeting, and the council will hear comments on that date.

DQ Sign Variance

Dairy Queen asked for a variance for their sign. According to city ordinance, signs may not be taller than the building, and the Dairy Queen sign is about four feet taller. However, the sign is already up, and without the height it has it won’t be visable to vehicles on Hwy. 10. The council approved the variance request.

Zoning Ordinance

A citizen requested that the zoning of his area be changed slightly to allow for motor vehicle services, so he can run his business. According to current zoning, it would not be allowed.

Staff felt that the change would be good for the city in creating a diversity of businesses, so council approved the change.

Street Projects

Bids for the streets projects were received, and the city decided to hire low bidder OMG Midwest (Minnesota Paving).

Newsletters will be sent out to affected homes and to the city at large regarding the projects.

Phil Knutson noted that projects were not run efficiently last year, but staff and the OMG Midwest project manager will be working to make sure that does not happen again.

Police Annual Report

Chief Brent Baloun presented the annual police report for 2023. He discussed the department budget, community engagement, arrest numbers and traffic stops. The full report is available on the state website.

In Other Business, the Council:

• Heard committee reports;

• Approved constructing an archery range;

• Called for a public hearing on Tuesday, April 16 to certify unpaid snow and weed removal charges to property taxes.