Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory

Beaver Trapping Brings Citizen To The Council

The City of Becker has retained personnel to trap and remove beaver from Clitty Lake this year, much to the concern of a resident who lives nearby.

It prompted a visit from John Holm during open forum at Tuesday’s council meeting.
He questioned Administrator Greg Pruszinske as to who authorized the trapping and why it was being done.
Pruszinske informed Holm the beaver were daming up the lake and restricting water flow via a stream to Pebble Creek Golf Club, where it is used for irrigation.
The trapping permitting process was done through the MnDNR.
Holm contended the trapping shouldn’t be done because it is taking place next to a pestrian walkway and kids indeed do get into the water and could be hurt by the units.
Holm said such snap traps were dangerous. He also said it’s the first time in 10 years he’s lived nearby that such trapping has taken place.
Pruszinske reported to the Citizen following the meeting the background on the beaver issue. He said a DNR official reportedly received complaints about water backing up into Clitty Lake, at which time the beaver dam was located. 
Attempts were made to break up the beaver dam, but to no avail. 
Waters backed up into residents’ yards and a trail in city park was under water, prompting the city action.
“We have successfully trapped one of two animals we believe are causing this problem,” Pruszinske said.
2 Resolutions Approved
The council approved a resolution granting a lease amendment to Sprint PCS to place an additional three transmitting antenae atop Prosperity Avenue water tower, at an additonal $375 per month to their current lease of $1,568 per month.
The lease will automatically renew for a set of three more five-year periods in 2015.
The council also approved a resolution retaining Jim Miller as service consultant to the refurbishing of an industrial wastewater treatment plant sewage clarifier, which broke down over the weekend.
The unit was damaged due to use. There was no cost estimate determined for the clarifier replacement.
Funds for Back Pack
Lori Keller of the Pebble Creek Womens Club met with the council to inform them their July fundraiser tournament raised $4,400 for the Becker Back Pack program.
The program provides weekend snacks and meals for Becker School District kids who often go wanting, for lack of the help.
The $4,400 will be a major portion of the program’s expected $20,000 budget this year.
“It costs about $80 per child to fund them,” Keller said. “It will help 50 children this year.”
The program is coordinated by people at the South Santiago Lutheran Church.
“Things like this (fundraiser) are an excellent reason why I’m living in Becker,” said Keller.
“Good job,” responded Mayor Lefty Kleis. “Good.”
In Other Action
In other action Tuesday, the council:
• Acknowledged the transfer of $5,000 from the city to the Becker Fire Dept. Relief Association, reported by Fire Figher Charles DeGrio;
• Authorized the hiring of Nicole Larrison and Jackson Lefebvre as lifeguards at the Becker Community Center, and Carrie Briggs’ resignation;
• Acknowledged resignation of Curt Grabmeier as part-time police officer;
• Acknowledged receipt of $750 from the Becker Lions Club for use in 2015 Freedom Days.