Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
TO HONOR. Members of the Becker Class of 2014 stood to honor their parents as South Santiago Lutheran Church Youth Pastor Jeremy Hallquist gave the Benediction at the Baccalaureate Service last Thursday night
A MENTOR SPEAKS. Coach Dwight Lundeen gave his "Reflections From a Mentor" to the Becker Class of 2014 members at the Baccalaureate Service at South Santiago Lutheran Church last Thursday evening.
SONGS OF PRAISE. The 2014 Baccalaureate Service at South Santiago Lutheran Church last Thursday featured music from the Worship Team that included Haley Thelen, Mikki Berscheit, Tyler Kruse, Erik Tungland, Andy Johnson, Kassidi Andres, Matt Nelson, Nick Norgaard and Joey Perry.

Baccalaureate Service A Testament To Faith

The theme of the Baccalaureate Service for the Becker High School Class of 2014 was clearly spelled out on the cover of the service program designed by Alexandra Kimmerle.  It is from Scripture, specifically Hebrews 12:1-3, which says:  “Let us run with endurance the race set out before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.”  That was also the text for a reading from Scripture later in the service.

The service was held at South Santiago Lutheran Church last Thursday evening, with Pastor Mike Pancoast delivering the welcome to parents and friends, after which the opening prayer was given by Chris Salvevold, the Youth Pastor at the Becker Evangelical Free Church.
Music was then provided by the members of the Worship Team, Kassidi Andres, Miki Berscheit, Andy Johnson, Tyler Kruse, Matt Nelson, Nick Norgaard, Joey Perry, and Haley Thelen, who performed “I Can Only Imagine” and “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone).  Proverbs 16:3 was the text of a Scripture reading by Erik Tungland, after which Caitlin Roemer provided the “Reflections From a Peer” in which she spoke of her journey to reconcile who she was and her Faith with the temptations to change in order to better fit into the world at large.
Mackenzie Havlik introduced a graduation video titled “100 Years” to begin the offering portion of the service.   The 2014 Baccalaureate Committee selected the Dylan’s Hope Foundation to be the recipient of the service offering.  The non-profit foundation is dedicated to raising awareness about suicide and mental illness to help prevent tragedies like the loss of their classmate Dylan Aaseby.
After the Scripture reading of Hebrews 12:1-3 by Mikki Berscheit, the “Reflections From a Mentor” were delivered this year by  Coach Dwight Lundeen.
With over 40 years of Baccalaureate experience to draw on, Lundeen said he had noted some unique features in the Class of 2014, including widespread compassion and the willingness to work together and help each other, and help people outside of their school environment.  He saw those same characteristics in his football players, in that they had won many games together through cohesive team play, rather than the efforts of a few superstars. He also urged the graduates to remember the lessons and values they have learned as they begin the next step in their lives, and to draw on Faith in making difficult life decisions.
The Parent/Child Prayer was spoken by Doug and Brandy Watercott, after which the Worship Team performed “From the Inside Out” before Jeremy Hallquist, the Youth Pastor at South Santiago Lutheran Church, asked the seniors to rise and face the audience as he delivered the Benediction.  The Recessional was “How He Loves”.
Refreshments were then served in the Fellowship Hall.
The members of the 2014 Baccalaureate Planning Committee were: Kassidi Andres, Mikki Berscheit, Korie Floe, Tyler Kruse, Caitlin Roemer, Haley Thelen, Erik Tungland, Brandy Watercott, Pastor Hallquist and Pastor Salvevold.