Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory

Annual Elk River Watershed Cleanup

Each fall since 2008, the Sherburne Soil and Water Conservation District has hosted a cleanup event along the Elk River and some of its tributaries.  The cleanup locations span from Clear Lake down to Elk River and several sites in between. The event is meant to educate the public on the importance of a healthy watershed.  Even though the Elk River watershed is a small part of a much larger scale, volunteers can still make an impact by cleaning trash and debris each year.  The average weight of trash that is collected has been around 500-800 Lbs each year!

Some interesting items that have been collected over the years are a vacuum, glass door, vinyl siding, bikes, tires, a couch, TV’s, computers, and various car parts.  All items that could still be in the river if it was not for the volunteers that participate in our cleanup event!
This year the Elk River Watershed Cleanup will take place  Oct 18 from 9-11 a.m.  We will meet at Lakeside Park in Big Lake and disperse to the different locations after coffee and a light breakfast.  Check the SWCD website for more details as the date draws closer, or contact Frances Gerde for more information!  (763) 241-1170 ext. 4 or