Friday, February 28th, 2025 Church Directory

Sherburne County - BOC Meeting Minutes

Sherburne County Board of Commissioners
November 2, 2021 - County Board Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

The Sherburne County Board of Commissioners convened in regular session on November 2, 2021, at the Sherburne County Government Center in the City of Elk River, MN. Call to order by the Chair was at 9:00am.

Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Regular Meeting Proposed Agenda

Dolan/Fobbe were unanimous to approve the agenda as amended with the addition of Big Lake and Baldwin Townships to Consent Item 2.3.

Consent Agenda

Burandt/Dolan were unanimous in approving the Consent Agenda as amended.

Approved County Board Meeting Minutes: October 19, 2021

Approved County Workshop Meeting Minutes: October 19, 2021

Review and Approve Prosecution Agreement(s) with Township(s).


Kathleen Heaney, County Attorney

Approved the prosecution agreement with Palmer, Big Lake, and Baldwin Townships to allow the County Attorney's Office to prosecute limited township ordinances dealing with safety issues and authorized the County Attorney to sign. (On file.)

Three-Year Contract with Government Management Group (GMG) to Provide Cost-Allocation Report for the A-87 Audit.

Auditor / Treasurer

Diane Arnold, County Auditor/Treasurer

Approved and authorized the Auditor-Treasurer to sign an Agreement with Government Management Group to provide professional consulting services from Government Management Group at a cost of $4,500 per year and shall commence October 1, 2021, and shall be in effect for the calendar years of 2022, 2023 and 2024, unless earlier terminated pursuant to this agreement, shall terminate on the date that all obligations have been fulfilled.

Local ARMHS Certification for Credent Care LLC.

Health & Human Services

Tony Masters, Social Services Manager

Approved Local Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) Certification for Credent Care LLC. (On file.)

Commissioner & Warrants.

Auditor / Treasurer

Amanda Larson, HHS Director

Approved Commissioner Warrants as follows:

October 15th, 2021 Commissioner Warrants $795,929.57    
October 15th, 2021 Manual Warrants $696,969.90    
October 22nd, 2021 Commissioner Warrants $2,483,052.78    
October 22nd, 2021 Manual Warrants $12,671.32    
October 26th, 2021 Commissioner Warrants Est 50% School District Payout P2 $1,040,626.24  

HHS 3rd Quarter Donations.

Health & Human Services

Amanda Larson, HHS Director

Approved and accepted 3rd Quarter donations in the amount of $1,248.71 received by the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department. (On file.)

HHS IFS Admin 10-22-21 Warrants.

Health & Human Services

Amanda Larson, HHS Director

Approved HHS IFS Admin Warrants as follows:
October 22, 2021 HHS IFS Admin Warrants $88,340.52 

2022 C&TC Contract Amendment, Budget and Workplan.

Health & Human Services

Nicole Ruhoff, CHS Administrator

Approved and accepted a Grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services in the amount of $132,579 to perform duties and responsibilities related to the Child and Teen Checkups program, with the funding period running from 1/1/2022 to 6/30/2022. (On file.)

Agreement for Central MN Jobs & Training Services, Inc. to Administer and Deliver the MFIP and DWP Employment Training Programs.

Health & Human Services

Gina Anderson, Economic Supports Manager

Approved an agreement for Central MN Jobs & Training Services, Inc. to administer and deliver the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and Diversionary Work Program (DWP)  Employment Training Programs. The term of the agreement shall be from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. This contract would be paid for with MFIP Consolidated Funds. 

Resolution 110221-AD-2070 Requesting MNDOT Conduct a Speed Zone Study - CSAH 12 in the City of Elk River.

Public Works

Andrew Witter, Public Works Director

Approved Resolution 110221-AD-2070 requesting MNDOT to conduct an engineering and traffic investigation (aka Speed Zone Study) on that portion of CSAH No. 12 located within the City of Elk River. (On file.)

Federal Land Access Program Grant Resolution 110221-AD-2069.

Public Works

Gina Hugo, Park Coordinator

Approved Resolution 110221-AD-2069 stating the commitment to provide matching funds (25%) in the amount of $374,400 for a Federal Lands Access Program Grant that will be used to construct a grade separated pedestrian trail on the north side of CSAH 9, connecting Mohnomen and Blue Hill Trail Heads. (On file.)

Grant from AAA Minnesota.


Joel Brott, County Sheriff

Approved and accepted $950.00 in grant funds sought by the Sheriff's Office through AAA Minnesota for traffic safety efforts in our community.


County Information and Board Correspondence.


Bruce Messelt, County Administrator

County Administrator Bruce Messelt shared an article on the Northstar Rail, letter from the Initiative Foundation, and University of Minnesota Extension data with the Board. The Board of Adjustment will have openings soon and the Board was asked how they would like to proceed with the interviewee processes. The consensus was to have a workshop on the item at the second November County Board Meeting. Mr. Messelt also informed the Board that staff is in the drafting stage of Legislative Priorities and are actively working on the scheduling of the Legislative Breakfast. Board Chair Danielowski and Commissioner Fobbe will be heading to Washington, D.C. November 30 - December 1 along with staff to lobby for the Zimmerman overpass project. Truth and Taxation will be held on December 2. The AMC Annual Conference will be held December 6-8 and due to the conference, the first December Board meeting will be held on December 9.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing Regarding Tax Forfeited Parcel #60-487-0105 Lot 1 Block 1, River Bend Second Addition, located in the City of Becker, MN, and Approve and Direct Resolution of the Same.

Auditor / Treasurer

Diane Arnold, County Auditor/Treasurer

The Board conducted a Public Hearing for the purpose of Classifying or Reclassifying and Sale of Tax-Forfeited Land situated in the County of Sherburne, parcel # 60-487-0105. The Public Hearing opened at 9:12am. Auditor/Treasurer Diane Arnold spoke on behalf of Janette A. Charpentier of Becker and her opposition to the creation of a Home Owners Association (HOA). City of Becker Community Development Director Marie Pflipson was present to speak on behalf of the City Council and its stand on the property and implementation of an HOA. Tamara and Mark Radunz of Becker, Jethro Carpenter of St. Francis spoke in support of HOA and Diane Robeck of Becker provided her thoughts on the potential decision of the Board as well. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:26am. The consensus of the Board was to see the item return in 30 days, allowing additional time for the area residents and property owners to consider formation of a new, viable HOA.

Open Forum

No one was present.

Regular Agenda

Declaration of Adequacy of Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and Negative Declaration on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Knife River North Central.

Planning & Zoning

Lynn Waytashek, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Schmiesing/Fobbe were unanimous to approve Resolution 110222-AD-2076 and a Negative Declaration on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Knife River North Central for mining of construction sand and gravel on a 145 acre parcel of land (of which 79 acres will be mined); PID # 25-027-1000 Sec 27, Twp 35, Rge 30.  5241 Haven Rd SE, St Cloud, 145 acres in the Agricultural District. (On file.)

Declaration of Adequacy of Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and Negative Declaration on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Tiller Corp.

Planning & Zoning

Lynn Waytashek, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Fobbe/Dolan were unanimous to approve Resolution 110222-AD-2075 and  a Negative Declaration on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Tiller Corp. for a 155 acre mine (total acreage 194); PID# 30-034-2201, 30-034-2200, 30-034-1207, 30-027-3300, 30-027-3301, 3027-3302 and 30-027-3303 Sections 27 and 34, Twp 34 Rge 26, in the General Rural District and within the Shoreland Overlay District of Rice Lake a Natural Environment Lake. (On file.)

Great River Energy's Elk River Energy Recovery Station: Closure Certificate.

Planning & Zoning

Gabrielle Holman, Environmental Specialist

Burandt/Dolan were unanimous to approve issuance of a Closure Certificate, in accordance with the County's Solid Waste Management Ordinance, to Great River Energy for closure of their Elk River Energy Recovery Station (SWF-15). (On file.)

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Update and Recommended Approvals and Expenditures.


Dan Weber, Assistant County Administrator

Approved the bi-weekly ARPA related expenditures and discussed broadband grant program guidelines and resolution as follows:

·   Dolan/Burandt were unanimous to approve expenses less than $50,000, equaling $35,756.80. (On file.)

·   Schmiesing/Fobbe were unanimous to approve expenses greater than $50,000, equaling $169,855.00 (On file.) 
Veteran's Services Officer Bruce Price was present to speak on behalf of the request for an additional Assistant Veteran’s Services Officer FTE.
Veteran's Staffing Request - 2022 = $82,157 (100%)    2023 =   $57,798  (67%)  2024 = $29,900 (33%)   Total = $169,855

·   Discussion of Broadband Program Guidelines was had by the group.

·   Schmiesing/Fobbe were unanimous to approve Resolution 110221-AD-2072. (On file.)

Commissioner Correspondence, Committee Reports, Upcoming Meetings, Future Agenda Items

Commissioner Dolan - NACo Technology and Communications, County EDA, Planning Commission, Excel Energy meetings, CMRP, Magic Fund Audit Committee meeting, AMC Business Partnership Committee

Commissioner Burandt -  ARPA Workshop, SCHSAC Meeting,  AMC District 5 Meeting, Equity Summit, Bridgeview Park Grand Opening, CAMHI, County Road 169 Plans - Elk River City Hall, Six Dimensions of Wellness, Sherburne County Association of Townships Meeting, COVID Steering Committee, Strategic Planning Meeting,1 Watershed 1 Plan Workshop

Commissioner Schmiesing - Association MN Township  Meeting, Bridgeview Grand Opening

Commissioner Fobbe - Substance Use Prevention, Great River Regional Library, Grams Park Dedication, Bridgeview Grand Opening, Tri-Cap

Commissioner Danielowski - Bridgeview Grand Opening, EDA Meeting, CMRP, Options Board Meeting, CMRP Transportation Sub Committee Meeting

Adjourn Regular Meeting, Break

Reconvene, Open Workshop

Adjourn Workshop

Commissioner Warrants


201,377.07 512,430.39 8,023.00 18,087.20 463.26 14,889.15 40,659.50

General Revenue Fund
Public Works Fund
Solid Waste Fund
Jail Commissary Fund
Sherco Regional Rail Authority
Justice Center Enterprise Fund
Agency Collections

Manual Warrants



Agency Collections

Commissioner Warrants



Human Service Fund
Agency Collections
Children’s Mental Health Collaboration




Becker Public Schools ISD #726
Captivated LLC
Central Lutheran Church
Central Mn Jobs & Training
Elk River ISD 728 C/O Rick Michalak
Ettesvold/Judith M
Hennepin County
ISD 728
ISD 728 Attn: Nicole Stottlemyre
Lees/Mark F
Lexis Nexis
Liberty Elementary
Lincoln Elementary c/o ISD 728
Main Street Family Services
Meadowvale Elementary School
Seven County Process Servers, LLC
Sherburne Co Childrens Mental Health Col Sherburne Co Public Works
Sherburne County Auditor Treasurer
Three Rivers Montessori
US Post Office
YMCA - Elk River
28 Payments less than 300

Commissioner Warrants


1,927,777.73 50.80
56,081.29 191,608.62 84.52
44,900.08 39,813.50

General Revenue Fund
Public Works Fund
Human Service Fund
Law Library Fund
Solid Waste Fund
Jail Commissary Fund
Sherco Regional Rail Authority
Capital Proj- Building, Land Acquisition
Justice Center Enterprise Fund
Agency Collections

Manual Warrants



General Revenue Fund
Agency Collections

Manual Warrants



School Districts Collections

/s/ Raeanne Danielowski, Board Chairperson                      

/s/ Bruce Messelt, Administrator

(Published in the Patriot: 11/20/21).