Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory

Public Notice

City of Clear Lake, Minnesota                  

2023 Budget Total 2023 Total 2022

Revenues: Budget Budget % Chg

Property Taxes$   403,810 $   378,792        7%

Cable Franchise Fees$              -          1,600     -100%

Special Assessments$              -                   -          0%

Licenses and Permits$     17,740          11,740       51%

Intergovernmental$     41,773        39,615         5%

Charges for Services$   270,372      271,558         0%

Interest Income$       5,000        5,000      79%

Enterprise Funds$   513,810      470,650 9%

Miscellaneous            357             200 79%

Total Revenues $1,252,862 $1,177,969 6%

Other Financing Sources:

Bond Proceeds$              -   $              -   

Transfers In$       5,000 $       6,000 

Total Other
Financing Sources
$       5,000 $       6,000 

Total Revenues and Other Financing
$1,257,862 $1,183,969                                   6%


General Government$   370,723 $  344,521 8%

Public Safety$   265,573     265,573 0%

Streets and Highways$     39,950       38,050 5%

Culture and Recreation$     38,800       32,810 18%

Enterprise Funds$   503,527     464,422 8%

Miscellaneous        30,500       30,500 -2%

Total Expenditures $1,248,573 $  1,175,875 6%

Other Financing Uses:

Transfers Out$     30,000 $    36,000 

Total Other
Financing Uses

Copies of the entire City budget in detailed format are available for inspection during regular hours of operation.

(Published in the Patriot: 01/21/23).