Adoption of Updates to Ordinance # 12 Road and Right of Way Specifications
On the 2nd day of July, 2018, the Lynden Township Board of Supervisors adopted the above Ordinance. On the 5th day of February, 2024, the Board updated this Ordinance in Part. Due to the lengthy content, a brief summary of the revisions follows:
Section 200 General Access Standards, removed (h).
Added Section 204. Driveway Permit Criteria. All new driveway/access on to Township Road shall meet the following standards:
• Within the R-1 zoning district are limited to one (1) driveway per property / parcel will be allowed in the R-1 zoning district with an approved application, provided that no more than one additional driveway access may be permitted when an accessory structure cannot reasonably be accessed from the driveway that serves the residence. Such second access must meet the requirements set forth in Section 204.E.
• Within the R-5 and R-10 zoning districts are limited to no more than two (2) driveways per property / parcel with an approved application.
• Within the A-40 zoning district are limited to no more than two (2) driveways per property / parcel with an approved application.
• Within the Commercial and Industrial zoning districts are limited to no more than three (3) driveways per property / parcel with an approved application.
• An approved Driveway/Access application shall meet the General Access Standards, New Access Spacing Standards, Access Width Standards and Driveway Access Standards of Section 2 of this Ordinance.
The intent of the amendments to Ordinance #12 is to correctly assign the duties of the Planning And Zoning Administrator, to better define the Township driveway standards, to create the process for appealing a denied driveway application and to lift some of the standards required for acquiring a driveway permit to better suit the needs of the Township. The Ordinances shall take effect and be in full force immediately following their adoption and upon publication. A copy of the full Ordinance can be viewed at, at the Clearwater Library, or by contacting Township Clerk via email at or by phone at (320) 774-8507.
/s/ Tom Plaggerman, Chairperson
/s/ Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
(Published in the Patriot: 02/17/24.)