Monday, March 31st, 2025 Church Directory

Public Notice

Advertisement for Bids

Big Lake Township Overlays 2025

Big Lake Township will be receiving sealed bids for approximately 8 miles of overlay/mill and overlay projects until 10 AM on April 1st, 2025, at Big Lake Township Hall, 21960 Co Rd 5, Big Lake, MN 55309, at which point bids will be opened and read aloud. Mailing of sealed bids will be accepted addressed as follows: Big Lake Township Board, PO Box 75, Big Lake Township, Minnesota, 55309, with “Big Lake 2025 Overlays” written on the outside of the bid. The board will consider bids received for award at their town board meeting on Wednesday, April 9th at 6 PM.

Plans and Specifications may be examined at the office of Bogart, Pederson & Associates, Inc., 13076 First Street, Becker, MN 55308, or obtained by contacting William Tessmer, PE at or 763-262-8822. Plans will also be available for download online at The cost to obtain a hard copy of the Plans & Specifications is $50.00 with a $10.00 mailing fee. The projects includes overlaying or milling and overlaying at several locations across Big Lake township.

Make all bids on the bid form supplied in the specifications – no other proposal submissions will be considered. Bids must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bidder’s Bond made payable to the Township as a proposal guarantee for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. No Bidder may withdraw their bid (which shall include the Certified Check or Bidder’s Bond) within 30 days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids.

It is the Township’s Intent to begin and complete construction in the year 2025. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts of such bids, and to waive informalities.

(Published in the Patriot: 03/08/25, 03/15/25.)