Sunday, January 12th, 2025 Church Directory

Public Notice



Adoption of Updates to Ordinance # 12 Road and 

Right of Way Specifications

On the 2nd day of July, 2018, the Lynden Township Board of Supervisors adopted the above Ordinance. On the 6th day of May, 2024, the Board updated this Ordinance in Part. Due to the lengthy content, a brief summary of the revisions follows:

Added Section 201. New Access Spacing Standards. All new driveway/access on to Township Road shall meet the following standards:

• Driveways onto Township roads where the posted speed limit is less than forty-five (45) miles-per-hour (mph) shall have a minimum separation distance of fifty (50) feet unless the front footage of the lots prevents a lot from accessing any road at the required minimum separation distance and the lot otherwise has no access to a public road.

• Field access spacing was removed.

• The appeal process was modified requiring appeals to be filed within 30 days to the clerk.

The Ordinances shall take effect and be in full force immediately following their adoption and upon publication. A copy of the full Ordinance can be viewed at, at the Clearwater Library, or by contacting Township Clerk via email at or by phone at (320) 774-8507.

/s/ Tom Plaggerman, Chairperson


/s/ Jenny Schmidt, Clerk

(Published in the Patriot: 05/11/24.)