The following official summary of the Solar Energy System Ordinance has been approved by the Joint Planning Board of the Town of Becker as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance.
Town of Becker’s Joint Planning Board Zoning Ordinance
It is the intent of the following ordinance is to set forth standards for large and small solar energy systems. The Town of Becker has determined that development of solar energy is in the public interest and is consistent with the Becker Township Comprehensive Plan, including providing for sustainable growth that will encourage residential, commercial, and industrial development while protecting and enhancing the community’s character and natural resources.
Section 1. Findings
Section 2. Intent
Section 3. Ordinance
Upon the foregoing Findings and Intent, the Joint Planning Board of the Town of Becker does adopt the following Ordinance:
1. Section 5, Definitions and Rules of Language Construction, Subdivision 5.02, Definitions, shall be amended to include: Electric Power Manufacturing, Solar Energy Systems – Accessory, and Solar Farms.
2. Section 7, Subdivision 7.03, and Section 13, Subdivision 13.03, Conditional Uses, shall be amended to include the following: Solar Farms
3. Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Accessory Uses, shall be amended to include the following: Solar Energy Systems – Accessory
4. Section 9, Subdivision 9.05 and following, shall be amended to be renumbered as 9.06, 9.07, etc. to accommodate the addition of 9.05, Accessory Uses.
5. Section 10, Subdivision 10.05 and following, shall be amended to be renumbered as 10.06, 10.07, etc. to accommodate the addition of 10.05, Accessory Uses.
6. Section 11, Subdivision 11.05 and following, shall be amended to be renumbered as 11.06, 11.07, etc. to accommodate the addition of 11.05, Accessory Uses.
7. Section 12, Subdivision 12.05 and following, shall be amended to be renumbered as 12.06, 12.07, etc. to accommodate the addition of 12.05, Accessory Uses.
8. Section 13, Subdivision 13.05 and following, shall be amended to be renumbered as 13.06, 13.07, etc. to accommodate the addition of 13.05, Accessory Uses.
Section 16, General Performance Standards, shall be amended to include the following sections:
20. Solar Farms
21. Solar Energy Systems, Accessory
A printed copy of the entire ordinance is available for inspection by an person on the Becker Township Website:; at Becker City Hall, 12060 Sherburne Ave, Becker, MN, any Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or at Becker Township Hall any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. or by appointment (call 763-261-5301 or email
This document hereby is made a part of this ordinance and is attached hereto.
Phil Knutson, Chair, Becker Joint Planning Board
Attest by Lucinda Messman, Town Clerk
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 01/30/16.)