Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Independent School District #726 Becker, Minnesota Regular School Board Meeting November 3, 2014

Chair Aaron Jurek called the regular meeting of the School Board of District #726 to order on the 3rd day of November 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Media Center.
Roll Call. Members present: Aaron Jurek, Jason Kindred, *Sheri Lumley, Lori Molus, Bryan Olson, Mark Swanson (joining via Teleconference from Maple Grove) *Present only until resignation
Others present: Dr. Stephen Malone, Superintendent
Joe Prom, Director of Business Services
Karly Bauer, Student Council Representative
Members absent: None
Public Comments: None
Motion by Jason Kindred, seconded by Bryan Olson to accept a Resignation by Sheri Lumley and Declare a Vacancy, effective immediately.
Motion by Bryan Olson seconded by Lori Molus to approve the agenda as presented.
DISBURSEMENTS – in the amount of $1,682,476.30
Name - Status - Job Title - Loc - Hrs Per Day/FTE - Group - Replacing - Effective - Wage
Fast, Janel - New - Musical Artistic Director/Costumer - HS - Season - BEA, Schedule C - Lisa Sackett - 9/15/14 - $2,971 Season
Fletcher, Renee - New - HS Musical Vocal/Orchestra Director - HS - Season - BEA - Schedule C - Kristen Olson - 10/6/14 - $1,782 Season
Kimmerle, Rich - New - PAC Co-Coordinator - HS - As Needed - BEA, Schedule C - n/a - 10/29/14 - $30.00 Hour
Lynch, Greg - New - PAC Co-Coordinator - HS - As Needed - BEA, Schedule C - n/a - 10/29/14 - $30.00 Hour
Mastey, Brianna - New - JV Girls Bball Coach - HS - Season - BEA, Schedule C - Stacy Spindler - 10/10/14 - $3,371 Season
McCall, Kelly - New - Asst. Gymnastics Coach - HS - Season - BEA, Schedule C - Autumn Robinson - 11/10/14 - $3,371 Season
Robinson, Reyan - New - Jr High Girls Bball Coach - MS - Season - BEA, Schedule C - Anthony Miller - 10/27/14 - $2,036 Season
Wiley, Jesse - New - Asst. Gymnastics Coach/Spotter - HS - Season - BEA, Schedule C - Autumn Robinson - 10/10/14 - $3,371 Season
Martin, Sandra - New - Server - MS - 2.6 Hrs Per Day - na - Jenny Lentz - 5/19/14 - $9.53 Per Hour
Miller, Anthony - Resignation - Jr High Girls Bball Coach - MS - na - na - na - Immediate - na
Simkins, Allie - Resignation - Asst. Girls LaCrosse Coach - HS - na - na - na - 10/12/14 - na
Blad, Stacey - New - Van Driver - Trans - 3 Hrs Per Day - Trans - na - 11/4/14 - $15.06 Per Hour
Engelby, Carole - New - Van Driver - Trans - 3.5-4 Hrs Per Day - Trans - na - 11/4/14 - $15.06 Per Hour
Engelby, Steve - New - Bus Driver - Trans - 2 Routes - Trans - na - 10/13/14 - $32.82 Per Route x 2
Gibson, Katreina - New - Van Driver - Trans - 2.5-3 Hrs Per Day - Trans - na - 10/10/14 - $15.06 Per Hour
Hook, Lori - New - Van Driver - Trans - 3.5-4 Hrs Per Day - Trans Ann Barringer - 10/20/14 - $15.06 Per Hour
Schwiertering, Jeff - New - Van Driver - Trans - 5 Hrs Per Day - Trans - Jim Steffen - 10/21/14 - $15.06 Per Hour
Wipper, Karen - New - Van Driver - Trans - 3.5-4 Hrs Per Day - Trans - Pat Alfuth - 10/20/14 - $15.06 Per Hour
Donor Name - Description of Gift - Purpose of Gift
MN State Fair - $400 - Transportation for Marching Band
Palmer Day Parade Committee - $400 - Marching Band
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Bryan Olson, seconded by Jason Kindred to Approve the Financial Audit. Motion carried unanimously (on file at District Office).
A First Reading was held on the following policy:
A second reading will be held at the December school board meeting.
A Special School Board Meeting was scheduled for Monday, 10th, 6:00 p.m. to canvass school board member election results.
Motion by Jason Kindred, seconded by Lori Molus to Fill the School Board Vacancy by Appointment. Motion carried unanimously.  Applications will be accepted until end of day, November 24.  At the December 1 school board meeting, applications will be reviewed and the Chair will entertain a motion to appoint someone.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Aaron Jurek, Chair
Mark Swanson, Clerk
Recorder: Angela Oswald
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 12/20/14.)