Chair Aaron Jurek called the regular meeting of the School Board of District #726 to order on the 2nd day of December 2013, at 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room.
Roll Call. Members present: Aaron Jurek, Jason Kindred, Sheri Lumley, Lori Molus, Bryan Olson, Mark Swanson
Others present: Dr. Stephen Malone, Superintendent Joe Prom, Director of Business Services Student Representative Kendra Buettner
Members absent: None
Public Comments: None
Motion by Jason Kindred, seconded by Bryan Olson, to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously (it shall be noted that Mark Swanson was not present to vote on motion).
DISBURSEMENTS – in the amount of $3,115,782.75
Name - Status - Job Title
Boos, Joalah - New - Webcast Supervisor
Kuseske, Brian - New - 9th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
Raygor, Meghan - New - 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
Robinson, Autumn - New - Asst. Gymnastics Coach / Spotter
Rowley, Angie - New - Asst. Cook
Jensen, Lynn - New - Ala Cart Cashier
Robinson, Autumn - New - Camp Opportunity Asst.
Changamire, Arnold - Resignation - Girls Varsity Soccer Coach
Olson, Rob - Resignation - Girls Varsity Tennis Coach
Potter, Judy - Resignation - Ala Cart Cashier
Sayles, Kirby - Resignation - 9th Grade Baseball
Sweeter, Betty - End of Assignment (Position Terminated) -
Special Education Paraprofessional
Donor Name - Description of Gift - Purpose of Gift
Clear Lake Lions - Club $1,000 - Community Education/
Becker Sr. Citizen Group
LPI - $2,500 - Robotics Expenses
Mary Jo Cobb - $50 - HS Musical
Packaging Corp. of America - $249 - Community Education/
Becker Sr. Citizen Group
Sherburne State Bank - $250 - Robotics Expenses
Target - $61 - IS Field Trip Scholarships
Joe Prom, Director of Business Services, presented the district’s Truth In Taxation information. An opportunity to comment/ask questions was available to the public.
Motion by Mark Swanson, seconded by Sheri Lumley to approve the 2014 Final Levy in the Amount of $6,992,808. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Bryan Olson, seconded by Jason Kindred to approve the following policy recommendation:
Motion carried unanimously (on file on district website).
Dr. Malone reviewed the details of Stakeholder Meetings in the months of January, February, March & April, 2014.
The board discussed meeting with other local governmental entities. It was decided that the board will not schedule any formal meetings at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
Aaron Jurek, Chair
Mark Swanson, Clerk
Recorder: Angela Oswald
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 03/22/14.)