Saturday, December 28th, 2024 Church Directory

Becker Township Ordinance B2016 01 An Ordinance Changing Street Names Within And Adjacent To The Highland Pond Subdivision

The Becker Town Board so ordains:
Section 1.
The street formerly called 130th Avenue SE, from Becker City limits to currently named 108th Street SE, located in the Highland Pond Subdivision, shall be renamed to Mallard Drive SE;
The street formerly called 108th Street SE, from current 130th Avenue SE to current named 134th Avenue SE, located in the Highland Pond Subdivision, shall be renamed to Mallard Drive SE;
The street formerly called 134th Avenue SE, from the current 130th Avenue SE to the end of the Cul de sac, located in Highland Pond Subdivision shall be renamed to Mallard Drive SE;
A map of the specific areas affected by this change is attached as Exhibit A. 
Section 2.
This ordinance becomes effective upon June 1st, 2016.
Adopted this 18th day of April, 2016 
Brian Kolbinger, Chair, Becker Town Board
Attest by Lucinda Messman, Town Clerk 
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 05/07/16.)