Thursday, December 26th, 2024 Church Directory

Advertisement For Bids One Year Snow Plowing And Ice Control Services For Becker Township Sherburne County, Minnesota

Sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for Snow and Ice Control Services for the township roads in the Town of Becker, in Sherburne County, will be received by the Becker Town Clerk at the Becker Township Hall, 12165 Hancock Street SE, P.O. Box 248, Becker, MN, 55308, until 7:00 P.M., CDT on July 20, 2016.  Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at 7:15 p.m..
The projects consist of snow plowing and sanding roads in Becker Township.  Said bids shall be for furnishing equipment, labor and materials for snow and ice control of all township roads as more thoroughly described in the Snow Plowing and Sanding Bidding Packet.  Copies of the Bid Package for use by Contractors in submitting a bid may be obtained from the Becker Town Clerk phone 763-261-5301, Fax 763-261-5303, email:, Becker Township website (, or by visiting Becker Township Hall during office hours or by appointment.  
The bids shall be submitted on the forms provided.  
Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.  Bids shall be addressed to:
Lucinda Messman, Town Clerk
Town of Becker
PO Box 248
Becker, Minnesota, 55308
And may be delivered by U.S. mail, email, or submitted in person.  Bids received by Town Clerk after the time set for receiving bids will be rejected.  
The Town Board reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days of the actual date of opening thereof.
By order of the Town Board of the Town of Becker
Lucinda Messman, Town Clerk
June 11, 2016
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 06/18/16; 06/25/16.)