Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

What’s in your fridge?

I hate cleaning the refrigerator and usually procrastinate until I have no choice. Going through ours the other day I realized if you want to learn about someone, look through their fridge. 

Is the fridge messy and disorganized? That person may be too busy to keep things spotless or maybe they’re just a slob.

Is it pristine and organized? They like being in control or are a neat freak. 

Is the refrigerator the latest model and filled with brand-name foods? That person is probably doing well financially. Is it on its last leg and pretty empty? They likely don’t have money to spare.

What about the actual food inside someone’s fridge? There’s some truth in the saying ‘you are what you eat.’

If it’s full of fresh vegetables they either love eating them, their health is a priority, or they may be vegetarian.

On the other hand, if it’s full of junk food they’re likely not the healthiest.

Are the produce and dairy products organic? They’re probably environmentally conscious. Is it instead full of plastic water bottles? They’re probably not.

What if, like my family, there’s more than one refrigerator in the house? Depending on what’s inside the second one, they either have a lot of kids to feed, or alcohol is a necessity. If the second fridge is full of a variety of beverages they probably like entertaining.

So what would you see if you looked inside my refrigerator? As I already admitted, it’s most likely a mess. Along with my hatred of cleaning it, my husband puts everything away wherever there’s a space, not where he originally found it.

It’s actually when you look inside the freezers in our house that you’ll probably learn the most about us. We purchase our meat direct so at any time, there could be a quarter of beef and half a hog in them. We have a large garden so there are bags of frozen vegetables. If you looked deeper you might be dismayed to also find frozen bugs for my daughter’s lizards and the body of one that died and hadn’t yet been buried. 

Even so, looking in someone’s fridge can’t tell you about what actually matters. It can’t tell you how kind and caring a person is, if they have a sense of humor, or about their work ethic.

So, what’s in your fridge?