Friday, May 17th, 2024 Church Directory

We Will Weather The Storm

The spread of Coronavirus has impacted every one of our lives, and changed the way we socialize, work, and live. We will weather the storm of Coronavirus, but our response requires that we work together to keep our families and communities healthy.

This week, Gov. Tim Walz announced some social restrictions, including the closing of Minnesota K-12 schools from now until March 27 to combat the spread of the virus. Moreover, some businesses, like restaurants, movie theaters and bowling alleys, will have to temporarily close their doors.

There are some exceptions—for example, restaurants will continue making food deliveries. Businesses that are considered essential to the community’s function, like pharmacies and grocery stores, will remain in operation. You can access up-to-date information on public health recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health, here.

The White House Coronavirus response team suggested limiting all social gatherings to groups of fewer than ten people for the next two weeks. While the guidance on combatting the spread of COVID-19 is updating every day, the fundamentals are consistent: whenever possible, practice social distancing.

Since the emergence of COVID-19, Congress has worked swiftly to ensure that the appropriate resources are available for the government to take aggressive and meaningful steps to combat and prevent the spread of the disease. In March, Congress passed an $8.3 billion supplemental spending bill to combat the spread of COVID-19. The bill provides $2.2 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as $950 million for state and local health departments, and $300 million to purchase vaccines development. I supported this measure, and I am pleased to see that $10.5 million has also been allocated directly to Minnesota to address the virus.

For the most up-to date information on prevention and symptoms of COVID-19, please visit You can also visit my information hub at for news and resources on what Congress is doing to combat the virus.

There are several steps all of us can all take to keep each other safe. Avoiding exposure to the virus is the best way to prevent illness. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 and have a fever and other symptoms like difficulty breathing or a cough, call your doctor. Make sure you clean your hands often and avoid contact with those who are sick.

We will continue to do more to stop this virus and ensure Minnesotans are safe and protected. For additional information and resources, I encourage you to visit the As we go forward, please read and follow the CDC guidelines above, not only for yourself, but for our entire community.