Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

To The Editor

The annual Memorial Day lunch held at the Becker Community Center was a huge success with the largest turnout ever seen!  It was my privilege to help serve lunch in honor of those men and women who selflessly gave their lives defending what America stands for. There are not enough words to describe the gratitude that I have for all of the men and women of our military - your sacrifice and service are immeasurable. 
I would also like to thank the members of the Becker Women’s Auxiliary for organizing this event and providing the delicious lunch that was served, Becker Boys Scout Troop 92 (what a wonderful group of young men), Becker Beyond the Yellow Ribbon volunteers (for their help wherever they were needed), and to all of the individuals and businesses that donated to make this event a success for the entire community. 
It was an honor for me to be able to serve lunch to the veterans and their families and I look forward to continuing this annual tradition.
Jerome Kleis,
Becker, MN.