Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

I listened to both the mayor and Mrs. Keller's entire radio interviews. Contrary to what some people "heard," both had nice things to say about Becker, our schools, and other amenities and what they shared was public information. 
The numbers the mayor gave were right from the auditor’s report which is factual. Mrs. Keller uses the same numbers but chooses to break them down to portray things differently. So Mrs. Keller and the mayor have a difference of opinion on how to present them (isn't democracy great). Side by side their numbers total a $340,000 loss and Mrs. Keller acknowledged that during her interview. 
So if Tracy Bertram, Adam Oliver and Lori Keller  want to censure the mayor for allegedly violating a city code of conduct to prevent him from sharing public information with the media, shouldn't Mrs. Keller be censured for going on the radio and using her Facebook page as well? 
Over the last two plus years Adam Oliver has methodically violated the city code of conduct clause "praise in public and criticize in private" using his Facebook page, as he did on the radio station website, emails and making comments during public meetings and in conversation to criticize the mayor with no rebuke or mention of censure from the other members. 
And while Mrs. Bertram remains curiously silent, for what I believe to be future political aspirations, where is the accountability and fairness she claims on her bio page?
Things appear to be more along the lines of  "eye for an eye" where punishment matches some supposed injury I guess. 
So if a double standard exists will the Citizen newspaper only report unbiased information out of city hall or is that dependent on which individual is doing the reporting?
The city council agreed last year to let people interpret the numbers how they want, so what's all the fuss about?
Adam Maskowski,
Becker, MN.