Friday, September 20th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

A  9/24/2015 letter to editor says, “We cannot go on as we have. Will Minnesota be a leader for clean air and modern jobs?”
A mantra similar to this has been preached by Sierra Club's "Beyond Coal" campaign for many years. With a $50 million donation from Michael Bloomberg, SC’s  ‘Beyond Coal’ army of almost 200 organizers and lawyers has helped shut down some 200 coal plants; more than a third of the country's total, since 2010.  Shut down the other two-thirds of the coal burners and you will get no reduction in  atmospheric CO2, which has been climbing since recording began in 1958.
An April 2014 Scientific American article said we need to be careful about reducing the amount of particles ejected into atmosphere by coal-fired power plants. Too much reduction will not block enough of the sun’s heating rays and this too will contribute to global warming.
Man-made CO2 is a non issue in regard to global warming. And with all the technological improvements in power plant exhaust pollution handling over the last 30 years, it too is a non issue. Ma Nature throws a lot more dirty air at us; grass and  forest fires, volcanoes, etc.
Phil Drietz,
Dehli, MN.