Sunday, May 5th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

At the Dec. 1 council meeting the city administrator, council member Keller, and the director of golf all agreed that the old superintendent is not on the books, and is not being paid. I know for a fact that he is being paid vacation/sick time thru Dec. 31. He was also never asked nor agreed to come back gratis. 
How many inaccuracies can be told before an employee is no longer trusted? That is the million dollar question here in the city of Becker. When you are a department head and give inaccurate information to the city council, the citizens, and your employees, you lose all the respect they ever had for you. 
Who will be sharpening the reels? The mechanic is no longer on staff. Who will be spraying the greens? Looking back to October, the director of golf had his mind made up already as to who he was not going to hire, since he chose not to have his employees recertified as non-commercial pesticide applicators. 
I wonder if the new superintendent, the director of golf, and the city council are aware of the impact the decision to eliminate positions will have on the conditions of the golf course when the season begins.
I pray that someday the citizens of Becker will be told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Charles DeGrio,
Becker, MN.