Sunday, April 28th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

While only the people on “Team Lefty” know who started the petition, a couple of things are clear. First, Mrs. Balin was one of the two people that dropped the petition off at the Sherburne County Auditor/Treasurer's office. Second, Mrs. Balin gave her information to them as the contact person. If she was not one of the drivers of the petition, then why deliver it and list herself as the contact person. To say that Mr. Morgan printed something that was “blatantly false” is a bit of a stretch.  He just has a different opinion.
Mrs. Balin also claims that the citizens that went door knocking did not know that the only people that were eligible to sign the petition had to be registered voters and live in the city of Becker. 
That information is clearly spelled out in Minnesota State Statute 6.54. If one would take her position regarding Mr. Morgan’s actions, then one could also say the same thing regarding those signatures that were from non-registered voters and people that live in the Township was a blatant violation of the state statute. 
At a city council meeting, Mr. Balin questioned why Mr. Morgan would want a copy of the petition since he does not live in Becker (never mind he works for the local newspaper). 
One could ask why those on “Team Lefty” would try to get signatures from people that do not live in the City of Becker or meet the requirements under the state statute.
Mrs. Balin states she was the manager of the food and beverage of the Peake’s restaurant (not the club house). While the petition questioned the terms of the agreement with Hunter’s Ridge in the audit, it should be known that the Peake’s cost the City of Becker $187,000 when it closed.
Dan Olson
Becker, MN.