Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

​Life… at the Speed of Light

Wikipedia says, “Light travels at a constant speed of 670,616,629 mph.”  To put that in perspective, if you could travel at the speed of light, you would be able to circle the globe approximately seven and half times in one second. It takes sunlight about eight minutes, 17 seconds to travel the average distance from the surface of the sun to the earth. Amazing when you think how fast light travels. 

I wonder what the speed of life is. Does it depend on age, outlook, and circumstances? I can't help but reflect on how fast time has gone, the changes and most importantly, the perspective.

As a kid, I heard this phrase often, “Time goes by so fast.” Back then, I wasn’t quite sure I fully understood the concept. I thought it went by slowly. The school years seemed to take forever, or so it seemed. 

Before I knew it, I had graduated and moved into the adult world of work and responsibility. Change was happening right before my eyes, but I didn’t see it. I still hadn’t quite grasped how fast those years flew by; I was focused on enjoying myyouth and friends.

Fast forward five years, married, living on our own, working, traveling and doing what we wanted to do. We were enjoying life as we knew it. I never thought in terms of major changes, like having kids or losing someone close. Slowly, it started to happen.

Here we are 10 years later and now have two girls. Life became busier than expected and would change but in a good way.

We lost track of time through the kid years. Like most young parents, we were at warp speed. Our focus had changed, a little blurred from the busyness. You forget about time for a while until the birthdays. You wonder how a year could go by so fast.

Slowly, reality creeps in. You start to lose people along the way. Kids are growing up, parents are getting older. Appreciation for time and those still around, sinks in deep. 

A whole new perspective on life begins and so does change. It’s not easy at first, but adapting is a skill that requires practice. Time is more relevant. Seems to be going faster or is it more noticeable? 

Losing parents and loved ones changes life as we know it. Like a camera, our focus is adjusted, sharpened and life becomes more clear.

Career changes happen, both girls graduate college, one gets married, grandkids come, etc.Nothing stays the same. Change is the one constant in life. We work hard, take care of our home and enjoy family and friends. One day goesby and then a week, a month, a season and a new year is upon us. 

Is time traveling at the speed of light or are we? The stages of life determine our view of time. I’m learning to slow down and value the moments. There are no guarantees in life, except it changes. The hands of time keep moving forward.

Kenny Chesney had it right with this song, “Don’t blink, life goes faster than you think.”