Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


- Enlighten me, please.  Doesn’t the golf course rely on city subsidies? Hasn’t the question been raised: Can Becker afford the golf course? Shouldn’t the mayor do everything possible to get it profitable? Do council members get special treatment at the golf course making them unwilling to require more transparency and accountability to get the course self-supporting?
The community center also needs some scrutiny.  Our family became members when it opened.  But I had to go elsewhere when the community center replaced its female-friendly equipment with manly-muscle building apparatus. On some equipment, one setting would be too light, but the next would be too heavy.
Is it my imagination, or does the community center have more trouble lately retaining staff?  Are council members on top of this?
The article on the last council meeting sounded like petty politics. Was the city council trying to undercut the mayor lest he disturb the status quo, offend special interests that elected them or reduce their power?  Just because we see such childish power-plays in Congress, doesn’t mean we should let them trickle down to local politics.  Why can’t our city council and mayor be above that and work together as a fiscally responsible team concerned about all citizens of Becker and the Becker school district?
Marty Meyer-Gad,
Becker School District,
Santiago Township, MN.
- With all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays upon us, our roadways become even more crowded and dangerous.  It is always best to give yourself that extra time by leaving early and increasing your following distance, paying attention to your driving, wearing your seatbelt every time, and always utilizing a sober driver.  
As a towing company, we are seeing an increase in vehicles coming from crashes that resulted from distracted driving rather than DWI impounds, although we do see a fair share of DWI related incidents as well.  Regardless, towing fees can be an issue for some with business costs and labor costs continually causing fees to increase.   If insurance does not cover all of or the majority of an incident, people have to pay out of pocket for fees associated with towing.  Depending on the situation, this can amount to anywhere from $300 to $700.  In most cases, you are paying the fees in addition to finding out your vehicle is totaled and then you still have to buy yet another vehicle as a replacement.  Our company sees this more often than anything.
All of this can be avoided by taking a couple of extra seconds that can save costs or even potentially your life or some else’s.  We want everyone to get home safely.  It is not any fun to see someone on their worst day no matter what the case.  Simple actions and choices, even though it may not seem to, effect a lot of people responding to or viewing a crash, such as police officers, fire department personnel, emergency medical services, tow truck drivers, fellow drivers, bystanders, and most of all… you!  We still live in one of the deadliest counties in Minnesota regarding traffic deaths and serious injuries, so let’s together help to work toward making our roadways safer for everyone.   
As a parting thought, please slow down and move over for emergency vehicles which include tow trucks.  Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Nick Christenson
Bob's Towing, 
Big Lake, MN
Sherburne County Safe Roads Coalition Member
- Tis the season for scams to be taking place! The Becker Police Dept. would like to remind our residents of numerous scams taking place during the holiday season. 
While scams are becoming all too common, we would like our residents to keep a couple things in mind:
1. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you receive a check in the mail for a large sum of money, verify it with your bank or other trusted persons. Once the check is cashed, the perpetrator is given access to your account information, and before you know it, your personal accounts are emptied.
2. Do not give personal information over the phone. This may include social security numbers, bank account information, credit card numbers, etc. Once a perpetrator is given access they can create accounts in your name and charge goods to your name. 
3. A few more examples of things taking place:
a. Telemarketing scams regarding new cars.
b. Travel offers which will take you nowhere fast.
c. Helping victims of the Philippine Typhoon. Only give to a trusted source.
d. Receiving threats to pay sums of money.
In most cases, if you do not answer these telephone calls or mailings, they will forget about you. Please contact the Becker Police Dept. should you have questions about anything that doesn’t seem right. Call us at 763-200-4267.
Brent Baloun,
Chief of Police
Becker, MN
- Let me begin by saying I do not pretend to understand  the politics that are always in play between the city council and Pebble Creek. I can only state the obvious and say that it seems to be a very emotional subject for a lot of people. Personally I’ve never felt anything but pride in the beauty the golf course brings to our sometimes visually lacking community and would only wish other property owners would take as much pride in the appearance of their businesses and personal space.
What I would like to address is the lack of professionalism that is shown time and time again by Mayor Kleis. The latest is in the form of “insinuating” that pro shop workers are “stealing” from their employer. To make such a serious and unsubstantiated blanket comment, in a public forum no less, is appalling and nothing short of an embarressment.
I speak for my family when I say that my father-in-law, who has been a dedicated employee of the pro shop for eight years, is one of most honorable people I know, something that is often lacking in today’s world, and for someone in the postition of mayor to allude to anything else without evidence is bordering on slander and frankly lacks character on his part.
Sheila Timmerman,
Becker, MN
- As a resident of the City of Becker I was appalled after reading about the censure of Mayor Kleis. I feel that Mayor Kleis should have been censured if he hadn’t asked the questions about the ongoing issues concerning the golf course and how it is run. Why does someone sitting on the coucil feel these were inappropriate questions? Why would an employee of the City feel they don’t need to answer questions directly affecting their job and how it is done? It’s a known fact that the course has been loosing members on a yearly basis, established leagues are moving to other courses, the course is loosing money every year. Lack of receipts and invoices should raise big concerns not only by the Mayor but also the Council. Why is it inappropriate for the Mayor to ask questions and expect answers. Actually the questions should never have to be asked. A clear and concise report from the Director of Golf Pro should be prepared every year and be submitted in a timely manner.
Mayor Kleis kept his comments at the workshop where they belonged. A critisism does not make a performance review. I find it interesting that the Director of Golf Pro/Councilmember(s) are so thin skinned to constructive criticism. I feel that Mayor Kleis’s comments made at the workshop were taken out of context and assumptions by others turned this into a pent-up censure. Show me one employee in any business any where that isn’t accountable for their actions or lack of. City employees aren’t any different nor should they be.
Both Mayor Kleis and past Mayor Graning were true supporters for the City of Becker and each in turn have been blocked by people on the Council with personal agendas. I have always believed that the people who were voted to represent the City should represent the City. People with personal agendas or conflict of interests should not be sitting on the Council or be on committees. Their voted-in position required them to work for us and the City.
We need see the council start working together for the betterment of the City and making it a place to be proud of and for them to leave thier personal agendas at home. So much could be accomplished with support and cooperation from each councilperson.
The mayor was doing the job he is expected to do and I feel he is the one that deserves an apology. We are proud of you Mayor Kleis! Hold you head high and keep up the good work!
Sharon Alvord,
Becker, MN
- Why does the city council and the city administrator feel the need to single out the mayor for trying to do the job that the majority of Becker voters elected him to do?  Why is the golf course, that is paid, for losing money?  
What about the conflicts of interest between council people and the golf director? What other sort of back door politics goes on at city hall that they are hiding?  It is obvious that these questions asked by the mayor and others are putting people on the defensive. 
Audit the golf course, get rid of the hypocrites and do your homework for 2014 and who is or may run for city council. We need change not worn out excuses. 
Thank you mayor for doing your job and trying to make things simple and transparent. Keep asking questions. It is becoming more and more transparent what is going on and who is behind it.
Tammy Stenke,
Becker, MN.